Daniela Quijano
Having an easy card is not just convenient - it also saves you money.
“But mom, can you please give me a ride?”
This is probably a question most of us find ourselves asking our parents. At times, not having a car can be highly inconvenient, and asking parents or friends for rides is not particularly pleasant. What about public transportation?
Miami Dade’s Public Transportation System may be infamously unreliable, but if you learn how it works, there shouldn’t be any problem. To arrive at your desired destination, you have a choice between the Metrorail, the Metromover and the bus. Learning how fares and routes work can be overwhelming at first, but it is simply a matter of practice.
Before you attempt to take any form of public transportation in Miami-Dade, it is key to obtain an Easy Card – a rechargeable discount card that is given to K-12 students. In order to obtain your Easy Card, you can go to Civic Center Station and present your high school ID and $2. All fares can be seen in this chart.You may load your card at any Metro rail station.
The Metrorail, or “Metro” for short, is generally the fastest way to move from place to place. The Metro’s route extends from Palmetto to Dadeland, as seen on this map. The student fare for the Metro is $1.10, while the regular cost is $2.25. The Metro is the cheapest way to get from place to place if your destination happens to be close to a Metro station. However, a Metro-Bus transfer costs only $0.30 with an Easy Card. You should familiarize yourself with this map, which contains all public transportation routes in the area including Buses, Metrorail, and Metromover.
If your target location happens to be around the downtown area, you are in luck, as the Metromover is free of cost and there are multiple stations that will surely be close to your destination.
Some things to keep in mind in order to master the Public Transportation System include:
Always have money loaded on your Easy Card. When in a rush, there isn’t always time to stop and load your card, and not having money can sometimes make you miss the bus or Metro.
Plan ahead. Always know where you are going and how you are getting there. Know at what times the buses pass by and what route you’re taking. You can download the Miami-Dade Public transportation app here in order to plan your trip.
Although taking buses and trains is not always that pleasant, it can be a very good way to move around – at least it sounds better than “Hey, can I get a ride?”