Say Goodbye to Acne the Natural Way
Dec 17, 2015
Acne, pimples, zits, blackheads: It’s an endless cycle that never seems to end. Luckily, here are some quick, natural, homemade remedies that are effective in getting rid of acne.

Aloe Vera is used to help heal several things, once of those things being pimples.
The Triple Threat: Aloe Vera is a miracle when it comes to getting rid of acne. It doesn’t just help tame both pimples and blackheads, but it works especially well for removing excess oil from skin and reducing the inflammation of pimples. Not to mention, Aloe Vera is a great ingredient to add to natural, homemade face scrubs. For more on these face scrubs check out We Love Aloe!.

Raw honey is a simple and effective way to get rid of blemishes and prevent them in the future.
All you Need is Honey: Honey is a natural antibiotic which makes it ideal for healing and reducing the size of pimples. Because of its sticky consistency, honey is a great way to rid skin of dirt and impurities; keeping skin both smooth and clean. The best way to use honey as an acne remedy is by making a face mask. To do this, all you need are two teaspoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon. Simply apply the mixture to the problem area, and wait ten minutes before removing.
“To get rid of acne I usually do a steam cleanse once a week. That’s where I heat a bowl of water and place my face over the bowl with a towel draped over me to gather the steam as it rises. I’ve found this so helpful for spotty acne that really doesn’t show up in one place, it really seeps into my pores and unclogs and refreshes them,” junior Amanda Lopez said.

Adding garlic to your diet is a great way of cleaning your body system and preventing future acne breakouts.
It’s all About the Food: The truth about dealing with acne lies in a person’s diet. One of the best foods for cleansing the body is garlic. With high levels of antioxidants, garlic is ideal for removing and preventing acne. By simply eating more garlic you can prevent future breakouts and treat acne right from the source. For those special cases that require immediate treatment, mix crushed garlic with water and apply to the problem area throughout the day.

Cucumbers aren’t just for puffy eyes, but for getting rid of acne too.
Cucumber: Cucumber does more than just help with puffy eyes. When used correctly, cucumbers can be great for removing inflammation and redness from pimples. The best way to use cucumbers to treat pimples is by combining grated cucumber with three teaspoons of lemon to make a face mask. For more cucumber face scrub and remedies check out gaia.

Here are some more remedy tips to eliminate acne.
Absolutely NO Popping!: Do not pop your pimples! It can be really hard to fight the urge, but sometimes it’s best to leave your pimples alone. Popping your pimples worsens acne for two reasons: it causes inflammation which makes the area more painful, and could result in scarring, it can also cause bacteria to spread to other pores, which causes more pimples to form.
Everyone has experienced how it feels like to wake up one morning and look in the mirror to find a huge red pimple in the middle of their face. It might be aggravating and even at times embarrassing, but the truth is that people are unlikely to notice, much less care. Just remember that acne is simply a part of growing up!