Seniors of Distinction


Orestes Garcia

Students posed to be recognized as Seniors of Distinction.

Pablo Hanono, Staff Writer

Many seniors struggle from the infamous disease Senioritis. This highly contagious virus afflicts most seniors with symptoms such as laziness and lack of interest or motivation. However, there are a few seniors who rise above this disease to achieve more than they ever have before, demonstrating exceptional academic and extracurricular achievement. On Jan. 18 these “Seniors of Distinction” gathered in room 9222 to participate in photographs for the yearbook.

The first round of distinguished seniors were recognized for their athletic ability. Those acknowledged include: Katie Molina, Brianna de la Osa, Lior Colina, Marta D’ Ocon, Cavan Wilson, Leila Iskandarani, Virgil Alfred, Alain Guerra, Ewan Hennessy and Alyssa Lamadriz. These students have proven to be exceptional in sports such as soccer, football, basketball and baseball among others. They all adorned smiles from ear to ear, ecstactic to see the hardwork be recognized in such a manner.

“Despite the fact it’s just a yearbook picture, I’m elated to see that my teachers are proud of and awarded me this honor,” senior Marta D’ocon said.

The other Seniors of Distinction recognized were accredited for their work in academics and club activities. In this second group Valeria Gutierrez, Marissa Singer, Ashley Knapp, Julie Balladares, Orestes García, Savannah Payne, Ximena Puig, Yara Four and Abby Flores were all photographed donning their respective club shirts.

“Its an honor to be recognized for my achievements, a photo is the least I could do,” senior Valeria Gutierrez said.

Without a doubt, these seniors are beyond prepared to take on the world post graduation. Their time at Gables has allowed them to grow and flourish in ways they never could have imagined.