Girl Scouts: Here Come the Badges!
Girl scouts selling cookies to raise money.
Feb 6, 2019
The Girl Scouts promote character, outdoor activities, and good citizenship by awarding badges, planning camping trips and through cookie sales. They are also involved in projects that help improve their neighborhood and work to overall improve their communities.

The logo of the Girl Scouts.
In order to be a Girl Scout, you have to be very passionate and eager. The title requires plenty of work and dedication, it is not a role one should take lightly. The purpose of selling their famous cookies is to use the money earned to participate in activities and buy their gear. A great part of being a Girl Scout is being able to volunteer and help those in need. Those in the organization have to be responsible and know how to manage their time. The goal remains to fill the entirety of their vests with them after their vests are filled with badges, then they will receive new ones.
When attending activities where they represent the Girl Scouts, they are asked to dress appropriately, sporting their token vests. Most of the volunteering work they do includes beach cleanups, giving back to the homeless, volunteering at the women’s shelter, and donating to those in need. This experience molds young girls by teaching them how to speak to a higher authority, to be respectful and calm when talking to someone, and how to manage money through the sale of different items.
“It is very important to me to have something in my life that I could say I am actually passionate about and that I have stuck with it for a long time. This experience has also shaped me into a better person as well,” freshman Isabella

These are the very popular Girl Scout cookies, that they are required to sell.
Toledo said.
Junior Isabel Jean is a current candidate in the International Baccalaureate program and a Girl Scout Ambassador. Jean joined in third grade mainly because many of her friends were members and it seemed to be a lot of fun. She plans on being in the troop until she graduates high school considering she is already at the highest level one can reach without becoming a leader. As an Ambassador, she has more responsibilities than the rest of the other girls involved. Jean helps organize events and teach the younger girls about the organization. Jean’s passion stems from seeing the positive impact it has on the younger girls and the important life skills they are taught throughout the program. From the cookie sales, they learn five essential skills: goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics.
“I have made many friends through the Girl Scouts and a majority from the Girl Scout summer camps I have attended. This is because girls are grouped together for a week of healthy competition between groups and many fun activities,” junior Isabel Jean said.
For each level of Girl Scouts, there are different colors for the uniforms. Daisies have a blue uniform, Brownies have a dark brown and Juniors are green. The Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors have khaki uniforms. Isabel Jean wears khaki pants, white polo and khaki vest alongside the patches she has earned.
Through Girl Scouts, they have managed to gain new skills and experiences. As they keep participating and being in their troops, the girls are moving through the various levels. If you happen to see one, buy one of their cookies and help fund their events!