FBLA Brings Dippin’ Dots to Campus

Matthew Castano

Junior Diego Imbert enjoys Dippin’ Dots after school on the second week of sales.

Juggling numerous events ranging from business seminars to state competitions, Coral Gables Senior High’s Future Business Leaders of America keep busy all year long. Maintaining their involvement in different activities throughout the school year takes diligence, determination but most importantly: funds.

This year, FBLA members have decided to providing Cavaliers with a refreshing after-school treat as the summer approaches. After being presented with the idea from one of the club’s presidents, Balery Quinones, the club’s operations team worked to bring Dippin’ Dots to campus. Together, the board members contacted a company manager to source the product and rent a refrigerated cart, keeping the ice cream cool during sales on hot afternoons.

The club’s fundraiser aims to cover the costs of last month’s FBLA National Leadership Conference in addition to this year’s summer conference in Atlanta, Ga. The funds will also be allocated to assist in club treat days, field trips and spirit shirts.

“I hope to see this fundraiser lowers the costs of the trips, they’re really the highlight of the club and what most people look forward to. Lowering the cost would make them more accessible to everyone. We also want to use it to make shirts, and I think it’s important so we can represent the club throughout the school,” sophomore Kalel Sada said.

Gables Baseball team stops at the Dippin’ Dots shop for a treat before practice. (Matthew Castano)

Apart from aiding the coverage of costs in yearly activities, FBLA’s Dippin’ Dots fundraiser works to further foster America’s next business leaders, giving members an opportunity to practice operating a business. Working together, the students keep track of inventory and sales as they put their accounting skills to the test. The future entrepreneurs even get a chance to work on their marketing skills by making signs, posters and social media posts to promote the fundraiser.

“This is creating networking opportunities, marketing strategies, and financial opportunities. With that being said, we are giving this a trial run until the end of 2022-2023 school year in hopes of reopening in the 2023-2024 school year. There is definitely improvements to be made but like every other business, you have to start from somewhere! There are seven amazing flavors to choose from all in the affordable price of $5,” senior Balery Quinones said.

What's Your Favorite Dippin' Dots Flavor?


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Setting up shop outside Gables’ library after school, board and club members make sales to their peers as they get ready to head home for the day. Staying past school hours to manage the shop, members dedicate their time to reach the clubs goal and better the FBLA experience for all those involved.

“It was so cool to hear that FBLA would be selling ice cream after school, it’s one of those things you don’t expects but ends up really happily surprising you. I love Dippin’ Dots, I’ve gone almost every time they done it and I’ll probably be keeping that up ,” junior Alejandra Dellano said.

With the help of their advisor, Mr. Reisert, as well as board members from the club’s marketing team and operations board, the club has ensured its success. Sales will continue to take place every other day and Fridays, in front of the library and at the front of the school. For more information, please visit the FBLA instagram.