Ms. Landsea Leads the College Board’s AP European History Review
Mrs. Landsea, along with Dr. Beach, hosts an AP European History lecture daily for students nationwide.
May 23, 2020
As the school year comes to a close, the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic become more and more evident. During these uncertain times, the College Board, which administers Advanced Placement exams for students across the nation, has had to come up with definitive solutions to the issues posed with administering exams during quarantine. As of the College Board’s announcement on Apr. 3, students will be taking their exams at home using online platforms to submit the exams. Along with this, the College Board has provided supplemental learning programs through YouTube Livestreams in which 2 teachers for each subject conduct online lectures about topics essential for the exam.
As a result of her connections to the College Board as an AP grader and her commitment to her AP European History, our very own Mrs. Landsea was selected by the college board to conduct the European History lessons for the entire country. With the help of co-lecturer Dr. Todd Beach, Landsea informs and educates students nationwide so that they can keep up with the changing curriculum and AP exam. A producer for the College Board helps them with the technological aspect of creating such a large broadcast through YouTube Livestream. This platform gives students the capability to either watch the live-stream as it is happening or to go on later and replay it. There are about 5,000 students that log on for each lesson during the livestream, not including those that watch it later on.
“[Mrs. Landsea’s lectures] are amazing and super helpful. Her being our teacher in the classroom makes the lessons much easier to understand as they are from a voice we are familiar with,” sophomore David Kuper said.
Although she was nervous to begin these live-streams at first, Landsea has since accustomed to the process of broadcasting her videos online. Now, she has a method of communicating her ideas and strategies for tackling the new AP exam structure not only for her students, but to any that are looking for guidance. Even though the experience is different than communicating with her students face-to-face, she has adjusted to the new routine and enjoys being able to record them every weekday at 11 a.m.
With her supplemental videos, not only do students have a constant to look forward to in this time of uncertainty, but Gables students get to see a familiar face every time they log on for AP review. Mrs. Landsea always makes sure to shout out her students during her lecture, reminding them to stay hopeful and safe. Besides her AP videos, Landsea keeps in contact with her students with Zoom Calls twice a week to ask how everyone is doing, and to update students on their work for the week.
“The College Board definitely made the right decision in choosing Mrs. Landsea for their videos. She brings her knowledge and positive demeanor from the classroom and onto our screens,” sophomore Natalia Pallas said.
Mrs. Landsea’s hard work throughout her career has not gone unnoticed, and she proves to the Cavaliers that even in these changing times, it is necessary to adapt to the situation and make the best of it. Her positivity and perseverance throughout the distance-learning process has made her Livestreams something for her students to look forward to every day.