Lucia Chico
A smiling Ms. Figueroa starts a new chapter at Coral Gables Senior High.
There is no doubt that the 2020-2021 school year has brought about many changes at Coral Gables Senior High School including online learning, an ongoing construction project and a new principal. Despite these ups and downs, the new year brings in another change, a new assistant principal. Ms. Figueroa, Gables’s new assistant principal, clearly has an important position to fill. With a scarce amount of in-person students and the vast majority learning through a computer screen, has Ms. Figueroa had a hard time feeling a part of the large and welcoming Cavalier family?
These uncertain times have not stopped Ms. Figueroa from marking her place at Gables. Even amid challenges, she has made it clear that she believes it is vital to get to know all the students and staff. Once she gets past remembering everyone’s names, her next obstacle will be building close relationships with teachers and pupils.
Ms. Figueroa is no stranger to the teaching field and has had experience in school settings. Before her time at Gables, she was an Instructional Science coach at Miami Jackson Senior High School. Holding this position for six years, Figueroa worked closely with teachers to help them develop their teaching skills and tactics. This leadership position prepared her for her new position at Gables. Prior to her career as an Instructional coach, the new assistant principal started off as a biology teacher at Miami Central Senior High School.
Though her past positions share plenty of similarities with her new job as assistant principal, there are definitely some clear differences.
“Gables has double the number of students than the other schools I have worked at…there is no denying that Coral Gables is a large school,” Figeroa explained.
About two years ago, the new Cavalier set a target to become an assistant principal. She mentions that she is “thrilled” to begin her journey at Gables. Ms. Figueroa’s goals do not stop there. Now that she is at Gables, she hopes to build a “positive culture” where students feel at home and happy. She recognizes the diversity Gables holds and hopes to develop a unique place where all students can thrive. Supporting students is on her priority list, which she believes will help prepare them for their futures. Among these goals, the new assistant principal also hopes to increase teacher capacity.
Ms. Figueroa is prepared to start a new chapter of her career at Gables and hopes to grow and learn from those she meets around her. As an important message to everybody at Gables,
Ms. Figueroa shares a few of her favorite quotes by Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam:
“If you fail, never give up because F.A.I.L. means “first Attempt In Learning”
“End is not the end, if fact E.N.D. means “Effort Never Dies”
“If you get No as an answer, remember N.O. means ‘Next Opportunity.’ So Let’s be positive.”
The Cavalier family sincerely welcomes Ms. Figueroa and hopes that her time at Gables is cherished.