CavsConnect | Going Green at Gables: Cavaliers Promote Sustainability Going Green at Gables: Cavaliers Promote Sustainability – CavsConnect

Courtesy of Marina Devine

Members of the Garden Project paving the groundwork that leads to the new Butterfly Garden.

Going Green at Gables: Cavaliers Promote Sustainability

Striving to promote sustainability and environmental awareness throughout Coral Gables Senior High, students have made large leaps towards creating a greener future. Brining people together to protect Mother Earth, Cavaliers have taken initiative and proven they can handle the issues of tomorrow. With the return to campus, the 2021-2022 school year allowed student-run clubs and projects to aide students in joining the environmental awareness bandwagon. New additions to Gables such as The Garden Project, CavsCloset and the long-standing Gables Earth are adding green to the school’s colors.

The Garden Project x Gables Earth: A Green Collab
Fostering Gables’ Green Thumb: The Garden Project
CavsCloset: Gables’ Very Own Sustainable Thrift Store

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