Shouting “Let’s Go Gables, Let’s Go” at every football game in the sweltering heat, junior Chiara Ortiz De Rozas helps attract the audience through her active voice and passion. Being among the three junior spirit officers with Melissa Hernandez and Sophia Daly, Ortiz De Rozas helps play a key role in leadership both within and outside the cheerleading team.
Coming from Chile, Ortiz De Rozas’s journey in Miami, Fla. began in 2021, when she attended International Studies Charter School. Throughout her time at ISCHS, she was unable to get into sports life due to the small programs available. Wanting to gain a fresh restart, Ortiz De Rozas transferred to Coral Gables Senior High in August of 2022 to fully immerse herself in the American culture.

“I think the ‘American Dream’ is definitely hard to get used to because as I said before it’s not my culture, but I really like it because it puts me out of my comfort zone and it gives me many opportunities that I didn’t get in Chile. In cheer everyone wants to help you succeed while in Chile all the classmates are very competitive,” junior Ortiz De Rozas said.
Before deciding to become a cheerleader at Gables, Ortiz De Rozas wanted to find a suitable sport to spend and practice hours on. Participating in many different sports such as horseback riding, tennis, gymnastics and dance, none stuck with her. Often watching American movies featuring the life of a cheerleader going to a high school, Ortiz De Rozas gave into cheerleading, an uncommon sports practice back in her home country.
“I was very surprised when I got spirit officer because there were a lot of sophomores who applied and I didn’t think I was good enough to get it compared to the other sophomores, especially with my accent, and I was kinda shy,” junior Ortiz De Rozas said.
Taking on a great deal, she additionally delved into her dream by participating in clubs such as the Health Information Project, Science National Honors Society and Girls Up. Alongside taking on the task of an International Baccalaureate student and the workload that comes with it, Ortiz De Rozas remains driven to succeed as a spirited officer by actively introducing new ideas into performances. Taking on the media side, @cghs_cheer on Instagram, Ortiz De Rozas actively publishes posts regarding the team’s friendship and upcoming announcements.
“To be a spirit officer I think you have to be very organized and put together. You need to know what you are taking on and follow through with the things you say you will do. Also, to motivate other people and yourself with IB, life and school, it can get tiring staying to practice in the sun and everything so I try to stay as motivated as possible,” junior Ortiz De Rozas said.”

What sets Ortiz De Rozas apart from other cheerleaders is her ability to stay focused on her craft. Being proficient at what she does, she spends her spare time creating football posters in the 9000 building to help motivate the crowd during games. Receiving the support from her teammates and coach Noval, Ortiz De Rozas helps culminate what it means to be a Cavalier cheerleader by collectively helping the team become hyped and radiate with outburst passion.
“So as an officer, there’s one thing that I can say is that we do need to sort of take initiative when the captains are not there. Although Chiara does arguably have a hard time taking on initiative, when she does, it’s like absolutely consuming in the best way possible. She does the job right. And that’s what’s important. She’s very kind and understanding which makes people naturally want to pay attention to her and be around her. And I think that that is a valuable, you know, trait as an officer,” junior Hernandez said.
With a background like no other, Ortiz De Rozas is taking on Gables with passion, hoping to live her high school “American Dream”. Although still missing her hometown, she aspires to continue committing to the team that helped her grow from the beginning, as her time in Gables unfolds.