The Class of 2025 nears its final months as seniors of Coral Gables Senior High looking to savor their final months as Cavaliers. However, one face might be seeing a lot more of her alma mater as Andie Winkeljohn confirms her acceptance and enrollment to the University of Miami right next door.
During her time at Gables, Winkeljohn has dedicated her time to distinct clubs including the National Honor Society and International Baccalaureate Honor Society. Through her constant involvement she was able to attain a board position on NHS her junior year where she became the secretary. Eventually with her growing involvement, she was promoted to vice president during her senior year, taking on more roles as a member of the board.
“Andie is the vice president for the NHS club I run, my aid and my Theory of Knowledge student. Because of being connected with her through most of the school day, she’s my go to person for any questions, always responding quickly. She supports the surrounding board members because of having prior experience her junior year and is always eager to do the job,” Mrs. Landsea said.
Winkeljohn attended the Bridge for Peace event hosted by IBHS multiple years in her Gables experience. Helping out with the event which contributed to different needy organizations every year, her involvement along with many other participants contributed to the overall success of the event.
Winkeljohn also joined the Health Information Project where she volunteered to educate freshmen about different aspects of health. Instructing her peers to pursue healthy mental and physical goals, Winkeljohn along with the fellows HIP members create a safe environment for all students to express their setbacks and objectives. These leadership skills continuously developed with the help of the many clubs led to further admiration from various colleges.
Participating in events outside the school, Winkeljohn demonstrated her enthusiasm to benefit her surrounding community. Rescue a Reef is a coral conservation project that Winkeljohn took part in learning about the constant threats to reefs and how every day citizens can provide an effort to protect them. Winkeljohn exhibited her community involvement through voluntarily retaining information on how to protect her surrounding environment.
“My CAS project was mainly Rescue a Reef, connecting with the program in the University of Miami. We raise awareness about the protection of reefs, and my project consisted of promoting the program to gain donations which would go towards the coral reefs,” senior Andie Winkeljohn said.
Winkeljohn became a member of Yearbook pursuing her passion towards photography. Joining her senior year, she continued to impress with many spectacular photos with will be eventually displayed on countless yearbook pages. Club volleyball was another desire pursued by Winkeljohn through her freshman and sophomore years until letting go off the sport. Working together with both her Yearbook and volleyball teams, she learned how to be a team player and how to contribute for her peers.
“I think her organization through the many clubs and teams she’s been in will eventually help her in college. Making a plan and being able to fulfill that plan whatever that may be is a skill learned with time, and I think one she will find useful in college,” Mrs. Landsea said.
As an upperclassman, Winkeljohn began exploring her options to which university she wanted to call home for the next step in her life. Inspecting options such as the University of Colorado Boulder, Boston College and many other out of state colleges, Winkeljohn felt a closer connection to remaining in Miami.
Applying to the University of Miami as an undecided major, Winkeljohn was ecstatic about being admitted. She hopes to pursue the biology track for her upcoming college education. Enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences in UM, Winkeljohn is open to many different paths leading to her desirable jobs such as a veterinarian or a pediatrician.
“I’m looking forward to meeting new people and stepping out of my comfort zone, doing things I haven’t done before like joining a lot of new groups. College is a different experience, and I want to enjoy every moment of it while still studying for my classes,” senior Andie Winkeljohn said.
With graduation growing nearer, Winkeljohn takes the time to admire Gables and the many friends and memories made along the way. Wherever she may end up with her studies in college or future career, Winkeljohn will forever be a Cavalier.