CavsConnect | The Game of Life provides recreation, new meaning in uncertain times The Game of Life provides recreation, new meaning in uncertain times – CavsConnect

Natalia Pallas/ highlights

A classic board game that will ensure excitement for anyone who plays.

The Game of Life provides recreation, new meaning in uncertain times

No need to put life on pause when The Game of Life is available. Because the COVID-19 pandemic has shut down most communities, with no reopening in sight, many are confined to their home, adjusting to altered schedules while trying to find alternatives to pass time. This board game, The Game of Life, in production since 1960, serves as a great way to combat monotony and to bond families in a non-electronic fashion.

The large, rectangular box, with colorful design, hints at the exciting material within. Opening the foldable game board reveals a more colorful and intricate scheme, including a built in wheel and pop-up features of landscape for a retro 3-D look. While projecting a sense of complexity, the game is actually quite easy. The objective of this game is to succeed in life, mostly in a financial sense.

To achieve this goal, players are given a toy car and 2,000 dollars to start. Each player then spins the wheel to determine how many steps they advance. Along the way competitors face challenges that can result in failure, prosperity or revenge, depending on where they land. What appears as a game of chance, actually offers much choice. Each fork in the road forces players to decide on either a safe yet longer path, or a shorter, riskier path. To win the game a player must make it to the end of the course quickly but with the most amount of money. Possible pitfalls include having a cyclone destroy aplayer’s house or being robbed. The upside potential is winning a sweepstakes orgraduating college. The constant curveballs make for an exciting and unpredictable game.

First introduced in 1960, several editions have emerged since then, each becoming popular among spanning generations. The game appeals to any age group and allows for up to six players, perfect for an extended family. While several versions exist, it still serves its same true purpose: a fun, traditional game.

Overall, this is a game of risks and strategy and no player can prepare for what isto come. That’s life.

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