“IB Graduating!”: IB Senior Breakfast 2014

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  • As the breakfast ends, the IB seniors join together and take one large group picture.

  • Seniors Michael Hammond, Danny Spatz, and Julian Falconi smile as they create new memories.

  • Juniors Alexa Alcalay and Allyssa Dobkins open the doors for the excited IB seniors.

  • The seniors are all smiles as they wait in line to enjoy their breakfast together.

  • Juniors Mariana Babboni, Aaliyah Symes, and Nicolas Viglucci serve the hungry seniors their warm breakfasts.

  • Seniors laugh and make new memories as they enjoy their meal.

  • The feast begins as seniors are seated and conversing!

  • The IB seniors shoot us some silly faces as their breakfast comes to a close.

  • Juniors Alexa Alcalay and Allyssa Dobkins prepare to announce the IB superlatives alongside senior Melissa Perez.

  • Laughs are shared by the seniors as they make the most of their special morning.


IB Senior Breakfast is an annual event which serves not only to commemorate the seniors in IB for their hard work, but it also serves as one last event before testing begins, and a last way for the IB Senior Class to get together, as graduation is soon approaching.

Originally planned to occur on May 1, the event was moved to May 2, to try to allow for more people to pay the ten dollar entrance fee and to accommodate with the prom change of date. One of the ideas when planning the breakfast was for as many people to attend as possible, and to have a flow, from one senior event into another. Once the event was over, this tone was clearly set for the weekend.

Although the event is typically held outside of school, this year the venue was our very own new cafeteria. They felt that not only would it be more convenient, but it will also allow for the price to be reduced. Many people did not feel as though it would have the same affect because it was in school, while others realized the fundamental nature of the event was to spend one of the last few days with the teachers and peers that make the IB class so unique and enriching.

At 7:45 am, teachers were instructed to release all IB Seniors from a list they had been sent. As they entered the new building, they were greeted, checked off of a list, and handed either a blue or red bead. The line for the food was established right away as the buffet style had an array of eggs, sausage, bagels, pastries, potatoes, and so much more. The breakfast immediately attracted the attention of various students, many of them having even gone back for seconds later in the event.

“Even if it wasn’t at a fancy place, the new cafeteria was organized very nicely and the decoration was splendid. My friends and I enjoyed it to the max,” senior Leah Botton said.

On the tables, there was also a variety of candies from gummy worms to chocolate. The students were provided with goody bags so they could have as much candy as they please, and maybe even take some back to class.

Although the video created by seniors Lorraine Cruz and Mia Rathjens was not able to play, Melissa Perez, IBHS historian, was able to distribute the superlatives each IB student voted on earlier in the year.

“It is a way for IB seniors to really commemorate the year and share a few final laughs before the coming graduation,” senior Francesco Sautto said.

The superlatives were awarded as follows:

Dream Date- Anthony Concia

Best Car- Lou Rottman

Worst Driver- Andrea Martinez

Most Likely to Use Mr. Nelson as a Therapist- Tiana Martinez

Best Eyes- Joseph Pas

Best Smile- Annelise Fernandez

Latest to Turn in an IB Paper- Edward Torgas

Biggest Brain- Roy Howie

Most Likely to Aggravate Mr. Blackmon- Robert Sieter

Most Likely to Aggravate Ms. Suarez- Darlene Fajardo

Most Likely to Fight for a Grade- Rachel Cubilla

Biggest Flirt- Gabe Sardinia

Most Likely to be President- Cole Scanlon

Most Likely to Go Pro- Daniel Spatz

Best Athlete- Danae Diaz

Broadway Bound- Maxwell Wood

Most Huggable- Rodrigo Prida

Best Personality- Michelle Tapia

Most Likely to Conquer the World- Linda Villa

Class Clown- Sebastien Courty

Most Organized- Cristina Tomasek

Most Absent- Andrea Snyder

Most Tardy- Allyssa Hidalgo

Most Sarcastic- Nico Rivero

Most Likely to Win a Nobel Prize- Derya Tansel

Math Activist- Jose Falconi

Most Likely to Fall Asleep in Class- Orso Raymo

Best Hair- Rinita Rishad

Most Stylish- Catalina Puig

IB Office Resident- Alan Fernandez

Most Likely to Aggravate Ms. Roman- Sawyer Bawl

Last Person to Get Senioritis- Tia Plagata

The event ended with laughs, smiles, and many selfies as yet another senior event came to a close. Crowns (with their superlatives) propped high, the IB Senior Breakfast seemed like a major success.