Thank you Teachers!
Melanie Ozuna, Natalie Abrahantes and Chloe Grant
May 4, 2020
Dear Teachers,
Today we would like to thank you. We know that you didn’t enter this profession for the fame and recognition. You entered for the students, for us. We are who we are because you support us beyond the classroom. Everything that you do leaves an impact. Your creativity, your dedication, your hard work, your passion and all the extra hours that you put in on an everyday basis does not go unnoticed.
Our school has become a second home because of you, and we would like to thank you for that. We wake up ready to go to school each morning knowing that there is a teacher waiting to greet us, to encourage us, to challenge us, to keep us engaged, to motivate and inspire us and create a deep love for learning.
Even in the current circumstance that we are in you still go above and beyond to to give us consistency. You empathize and make us feel safe- making this time a little less scary.
We know that your job is far from easy, but we wanted to take this moment to tell you that you make a big difference in our lives.
We are who we are, because we have great teachers, because we have YOU.
Thank you!