CAF&DM Field Day

Nicolas Musa

The Communication Arts, Film, and Digital Media (CAF&DM) academy held their annual Field Day. Students participated in a wide range of activities including tug-of-war and hula hoop relays.

Natalie Abrahantes, Staff Writer

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  • Students participated in a musical chairs tournament where the last person standing won.

  • Participants in the musical chairs tournament had to dance around the chairs until the music stopped and then quickly sit down.

  • One of the many games played at field day was the egg race. With a spoon in their mouths, participants had to run across the gym and give the next person in their team the ping-pong ball.

  • All students wore their Communication Arts, Film, and Digital Media (CAF&DM) academy shirts to celebrate their respective publications at their annual field day.

  • Students celebrated their win after each game at the event.

  • The last game of the afternoon was tug-of-war. Students participated in over ten rounds until the winner was announced.

  • The wheelbarrow game was a crowd favorite as students paired up and hurried across the gym with their hands.

  • The afternoon began with a hula-hoop challenge. Participants had to get the hula hoop from one point of the line to the other without letting go of each other’s hands.

  • Publications eagerly cheered for their friends as they participated in the many games played.

  • In a game of tug-of-war Catharsis played against CavsConnect, after a difficult match, CavsConnect proved victorious.

  • Student Melanie Ozuna races across the gym in the hula hoop relay race
