The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


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About the Contributors
Natsumi Crowe
Natsumi Crowe, CavsTV Staff
Natsumi Crowe is a freshman in the International Baccalaureate program at Coral Gables Senior High School. She is excited to be a part of CavsTV and create content for the school. Going to events and being involved in the school is something she is looking forward to this year. When she is not at school she likes being outside and hanging out with her friends. She enjoys going to Japan in the summer to see family and explore.
Olivia Manas
Olivia Manas, CavsTV Staff
Olivia Mañas is a freshman in the International Baccalaureate program. Throughout her first year at Gables she would like to be involved in clubs, attend games, and attend pep rallies. Olivia's favorite subjects are math and language arts because she effortlessly grasps their concepts. Despite their differences, she finds both subjects equally intriguing. Surfing, reading, and traveling are some of Olivia's hobbies. Olivia uses surfing as a way to escape from the world and forget about the bad. Reading helps her imagination grow and learn new things. She dreams of traveling the world and exploring different cultures.
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