12 Reasons Why Gables is the Perfect Fit

Junior Keana Mercado moments before entering the last pep rally of the year.

Oliver Robles

Junior Keana Mercado moments before entering the last pep rally of the year.

Patricia Passwaters, Editor in Chief

It is no secret that upon entering high school, having continuously heard the phrase, “high school will be the best four years of your life,” one has already built expectations as to what their high school experience should be like. However, what many people fail to realize is that many different factors play into an individualized high-school experience. The first, and arguably the biggest decision, is what school you choose. This decision is essentially the backbone for your future, it will likely influence what college you attend, and thus, what kind of adult you will be. Gables happens to be one of the few schools that offers so many different opportunities and would be the perfect fit for all type of individuals. Here’s why:

#12. – 7 Different Academies – Upon entering CGHS, each student must choose an academy based on several different career fields. This academy does not isolate them, rather, it gives them purpose. Often, it becomes their family within the school community because it allows students to interact with others who share similar interests.

  • BMIT – Business Management and Information Technology
  • DEH – Design, Education, and Hospitality
  • HSPL – Health Science, Public Service, and Law
  • VPA – Visual and Performing Arts
  • CAF&DM – Communication Arts, Film, and Digital Media
  • IB – International Baccalaureate
  • NAF – Academy of Finance

#11. – The only high school in Miami Dade with a full gifted content program. Unlike other schools, students don’t get pulled out of class, but rather sit in an actual classroom with a teacher that is certified to teach gifted students.

#10. – Gables is known to have the largest Dual Enrollment program in the district. The DE program was created three years ago and has grown to 811 students. By the time many students graduate, many of them have almost earned an AA degree.

#9. – It offers 29 out of 31 Advanced Placement courses. Many students enter college as a junior due to all the credits they have gained through the AP exams.

#8. – There are numerous clubs students can join and the variety allows for the students to pursue whatever may interest them, from service and school oriented clubs, to honor societies, to languages, to art clubs, etc.

#7. – For the athlete: there are a variety of sports to join that span across the school year from Fall to Spring. With the right GPA and the sufficient amount of dedication, any student can join a sport.

#6. – The staff: teachers, counselors, security guards, custodians, and administration all care about the students’ well being. They work together to make sure the campus grounds are safe, everyone is well informed, and students receive a high quality education.

#5. – CGHS makes a lasting impact on its students and consequently has a large alumni presence. Several teachers and coaches themselves once walked the hallways as students.

#4. – The PTSA board is very involved with the day to day activities occurring on campus.

#3. – The population is well diversified and is a representation of real America. There are many students from different ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds that come together for the common goal of, receiving not only an education, but an experience.

#2. – These last several years, as the school has maintained its academic excellence, and the athletic teams have become stronger, school spirit has also reached an all time high.

#1. -On December 18th, Gables earned an A rating for the third year in a row and continues to be one of the top school’s in the district. (Please click the link provided to direct you to the full article).

Your four years spent in high school aren’t magically the “best four years of your life.” On the contrary, it is only what you make of it. At Gables, the opportunities are endless in making everyone’s high school experience not only unique but fulfilling and unforgettable.