Welcome Class of 2018!

Albany Muria, Orestes Gonzalez - Staff Writers, Camilo Bacca- Photographer

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  • The music program at Gables is full of organizations that help create a strong backbone to artistic abilities in students.


Freshman Orientation is a rite of passage to many high school students, and upon attending, incoming students can already sense the Cavalier spirit. The auditorium, crammed with parents and students, had action-packed videos and performances from S.W.A., Gablettes, Band, Gables Cheer, and Cavalier Singers. At approximately 5 P.M., Student Activities members arrived to set the scene. Booths were set up by organizations, like IBHS and the CAF&DM publications, as they showed the new students what Gables has to offer. The PTSA were also selling summer reading books and required grammar books for our first-year Cavaliers. Officially beginning the night at about 6:30 P.M., rising senior Teague Scanlon was the first to speak.

After Scanlon led the Pledge of Allegiance and Divisi performed the Star Spangled Banner, Valerie Montesino and Allyssa Dobkins, the new Student Council President and Senior Class President, were introduced. Montesino and Dobkins presented each of the performers, along with videos created by the TV Production Crew. The videos captured the variety of programs available and what a typical Cavalier day is like. Speakers like Principal Costa and Mr. Garcia offered advice to the incoming freshmen and their parents.

“Mostly the fact that you could buy uniform there because I had no idea where to buy them and I also enjoyed learning about my schedule and my classes,” incoming freshman from Ponce de Leon Middle School, Lior Colina said.

To spice up the night, members of Student Activities performed a skit to provide the incoming freshman with information about the uniform policy. The audience laughed and enjoyed the humorous fashion show. Activities members modeled “Do’s and Don’t’s” when it comes to dressing appropriately for school. Among other performing groups, the new Gablette officers showcased their talents in their first official dance as leaders. Sisters With Attitude (S.W.A.) stepped on stage, surprising the Class of 2018.

” I had a really amazing time working backstage because I felt that I was able to connect with the new students in a comfortable and relaxed manner. I was really excited to meet the new kids that I would be going to school with for the next two years,” sophomore Gabrielle Saliamonas said.

Although the night was full of entertainment, information was revealed concerning athletics and academics. Mr. Romero, athletics director, discussed all of the sports we offer and the requisites to join. Ms.Diaz along with Ms.Alvarado already began informing the new student body about graduation requirements.To wrap up, Divisi sang the Alma Mater and jazzed it up in the end with a barbershop style performance. The enjoyable night gave freshmen a sneak peek of what they can expect in the next four years of high school. Congratulations, Class of 2018 on officially becoming a part of the Cavalier family, and always remember…Go Cavs!