Juniors need to read this!

Aug 21, 2014
Hey juniors! Check the list below for some important information, all of which will be said on August 28 at Magazine Kickoff!
- Our junior class trip will be held on January 15, 2015! Save the date!
- Junior Ring Ceremony: January 29, 2015!
- College Tour collections: For the in-state group, they may pay the full amount of $210 (cash only) on September 17 and 18. For the out-of-state group, the remaining price of $410 (cash only) will be collected on September 23 and 24. All collections will take place during lunch. There are 3 openings for the out-of-state group, on a first come, first serve basis.
- In-State College Tour will be November 10-12 and out-of-state College Tour will be November 10-15.
- JUNIOR SHIRTS are available for preorder! Pick up an order form from Ms. Little Monzon in room 3219 (old 607), or click Junior Class Shirt Flyer to download it. The final day to place your order is October 3.