First Pep Rally of the Year

Cavan Wilson - Staff Writer, Orestes Gonzalez, Rachel Hernando, Bryce Scanlon, Camilo Bacca - Photographers

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Friday, August 29 was a day of celebration for the Cavalier Nation. During eighth period in the auditorium, the year’s first pep rally was held in preparation for the Varsity football team’s first game of the season against Southridge High School later that night at Curtis Park. Everyone in the crowd was there to cheer on the football team as they began the new season with big hopes and a District Championship title to defend.

The pep rally was a great way to motivate students for the game as well as for the rest of the football season. At the beginning, the two emcees got everyone out of their seats. After that, no one sat back down. Whether it was performing or cheering for those onstage, everyone was bursting with energy and excitement.

“It was so amazing and fun. I have always loved pep rallies because of the hype and energy,” said freshman Abigail Flores.

The main event was our principal, Mr. Costa, along with the rest of administration, taking on the ice bucket challenge as a response to being challenged to by Miami Senior High. As the students onstage turned the water coolers, it was revealed that they were filled with money. Gables will be donating towards ALS and Mr. Costa challenged all the students to take on the challenge and donate as well.

“Not only do we know how to do things better at Gables, but we also know how to make it rain,” Mr. Costa said.

Many clubs and teams were showcased during the event. Performances included routines by the Sisters With Attitude (SWA), the Gablettes, the Cheerleaders, the Band of Distinction, the Color Guard and the Cavman. Our teachers also put on a special show and danced to a beat, proving their dance skills.

“I loved it – anything for the Cavalier Nation. The pep rally showed great school spirit going for the game,” Coach Cooney said.

The football team is very excited about all the support and fans it has this year. They are ready for the season to start, as they have been practicing for most of the summer to make sure that they perform even better than last year.

“Everyone was really into the pep rally. It’s great to see how much school spirit we have,” sophomore Junior Varsity football player John Smithies said.

This was only the first pep rally of the year. Make sure you come to the next one, as well as all the football games, to show your support. Let’s cheer our football players on for another great season, and always remember: Go Cavs!