Are you eligible for the PSAT?
Sep 11, 2014
Freshmen: Those of you in Algebra 2 Honors or Geometry Honors are already registered for the PSAT and no further action is required. For freshmen who are not in either of these classes but would still like to take the exam, you may pick up a form in the AP Office (Room 3127) and submit it with the $14 (cash only) Registration Fee to the Treasurer during both lunches.
Sophomores: All Sophomores have been preregistered and do not need to take any further action.
Juniors: Those of you who would like to register must fill out an orange PSAT Registration Form that you can get from your English teacher or the AP Office (Room 3127). If you are on Free/Reduced Lunch, turn in the form to the AP Office (Room 3127). If you are not eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch, submit the form with the $14 (cash only) Registration Fee to the Treasurer during both lunches. However, there are a limited number of waivers and it works on a first come first serve basis so hurry before they are all gone.