On Tuesday, Sept. 16, students swarmed outside of the pavilion during their lunches to gain insight on Gables’ numerous clubs. Clubs ranging from 5000 Role Models to Gables Earth lined the perimeter of the lunch area and greeted students with different incentives, overall aiming to increase their member sign-up.
Throughout this exciting day, a plethora of clubs provided students with several attention-grabbing presentations. One example was the booth made by officers from the newly ignited club, National Spanish Honor Society (NSHS). NSHS officers wore colorful jerseys from different Hispanic soccer teams to attract bystanders. Gables Players portrayed their enthusiasm for the club by having many of their returning members, and officers, wear costumes and perform their talents. Another widely popular incentive was reportedly the food that most clubs distributed. These ranged from sugar cookies to any type of candy you can think of! Two clubs that stand out every year are Best Buddies and Interact. The infamous dunk tank always seems to catch everyone’s attention. Even though there was a delay with the dunk tank’s installation, second lunch seemed to make the most out of it.
“I was a bit overwhelmed at the idea of having to set up not one, but two booths. Thankfully, Jessie Wang [a Student Activities Secretary of Clubs] placed my booths adjacent to one another so I could easily maneuver between the two. As far as incentives go, everyone loves food,” IBHS & Italian Club President senior Marianna Babboni said.
After facing this excitement, students had the chance to explore and visit the different club booths. Upon arriving at one of the booths, prospective newcomers were informed of the club’s purpose and upcoming activities. Interested students were encouraged to attend the club’s first meeting, pay membership dues and, in some cases, fill out applications.
“I’ll most likely see which ones grabbed my attention the most and what I am willing to devote my time to. I really liked the Gables Players’ presentation; they never fail to impress me,” junior Alexandra Herrera said.
The bustling environment of Club Fair made it a grand success. Every club was able to recruit a wide variety of members. Even though some students will be indecisive as to which clubs they’d like to join, it is recommended to attend the first club’s meeting; see for yourself what these clubs have to offer and reach a final decision.