Alma Mater Pep Rally!
Jake Paz -Staff Writer and Camilo Bacca, Logan Morris -Photographers
Oct 3, 2014
The winners of the Cav Crash Costume Contest rocked it at the Alma Mater Pep Rally
On Oct. 1, the first Alma Mater Pep Rally took place to promote Cav spirit and support for our football team. Performances by the Sistas with Attitude (S.W.A.), Band of Distinction, Best Buddies and the Cheerleaders wowed the audience, getting them pumped for that night’s game against South Miami.
Students that attended the pep rally had to perform the Alma Mater as a class in front of the Student Council Officers. Participating classes were judged based on their overall performance, preparation and creativity.
“A couple days before StuCo officers came over to judge our class, we all memorized the Alma Mater individually and then we practiced as a whole to make sure we sang it in-sync,” sophomore Maria Ordoñez said.
The Pep Rally began with entertainment from our very own Cav Man, followed by the Cheerleaders and the Band of Distinction. Then, the football team got on stage and TV Production played a video showing some of their greatest plays. The team thanked their fans for supporting them every step of the way and promised to make them proud by crushing the Cobras with at least 47 points.
Winners of the Club Costume Contest from Cav Crash were also invited. The winning club costumes were Gables Earth for “Most Creative Costume” represented by freshman Kelly Hanley, and Tri-M for “Most Spirited Costume” represented by senior Andrea Avila.
“It felt great to [go] up on stage in my Tri-M costume at the pep rally since music is my passion. I am very proud to represent the musically inclined students at Gables,” Avila said.
For the grand finale, one lucky student from each grade level was taken on stage to participate in the Gables’ Trivia Game. Students were asked questions about the school: What are the school colors? What is the real name of the New Building? What happens if someone steps on the school seal located in the auditorium and the front of the school? How many state championships does the football team have? Surprisingly, the winner was freshman Gustavo Martinez who won a free Cavalier Spirit shirt with a total score of 1 point.
Although this wasn’t the most “pepped” rally of the year, it still managed to bring fellow Cavaliers together and support our football team. The next pep rally will definitely be one that students will look forward to.