New Ties Between the U.S. and Cuba
Reconciliation between the U.S. and Cuba made possible at recent Summit.
Apr 20, 2015
On Saturday, April 11, Raul Castro and Barack Obama brought a possible end to a century-long feud between Cuba and the United States. After attending the Summit, the two leaders met at a Panama City Convention Center where they began what is believed to be the beginning of great relations.
On the previous Friday, Castro and Obama met up with several other world leaders at the Summit of the Americas in Panama City. In past years, the Summit excluded Cuba from such a meeting, but this year Cuba was permitted to join for the first time.
“Cuba’s recently authorized position in the Summit is a major show of progress and unity among the Americas, that will not only allow Cuba to start over but will create new ties between countries,” junior Christopher Camarillo said.
Castro and Obama met to further discuss their attempt at better relations between the countries. Together they discussed several issues and possible approaches, some of which included improving human rights and granting freedom of the press.
“Until the Cuban government renounces Communism and dictatorship-like behavior, which directly goes against the American beliefs, there should not be any chance at an alliance,” sophomore Caroline Widmer said.
Obama has also taken a huge step towards reconciliation with his recent suggestion to delist Cuba from the terrorist list. This would allow Cuba to move foward in trade as well as foreign relations.
Even though this newly formed relation between the U.S. and Cuba promises prosperity and unity between the two countries, many have commented on its negative aspects. Several Latin American countries believe that the relations will only benefit Castro’s regime.
Audio PlayerAfter over a century of feuds, the United States and Cuba are taking a step towards reconciliation. Through a compromise both countries might be looking at the beginning of an alliance. For more information click here.