“Miami’s Biggest Office Party”


Kelsy Pacheco

Hundreds of companies and businesses came together at the annual Corporate Run.

Kelsy Pacheco, Sports Editor

On April 23, Mercedez-Benz held its 30th annual 5k Corporate Run, in front of Downtown Miami’s Bayfront Park, where hundreds of companies gathered. This year, over 888 companies were represented, Baptist Health and the University of Miami having the latest teams with over 1,000 members.

“On behalf of the 2.6 million people that live in Miami-Dade County, I welcome you to the Mercedes Benz Corporate Run. It is the largest 5K run in the southeast of the United States and it is the 3oth anniversary. Congratulations to you all, run safe, and I’ll see you at the finish line,” Mayor of Miami Carlos Gimenez said, in his speech right before the cannon was shot.

At first, it wasn’t certain whether or not the run was happening due to the weather conditions. As the run was about to start, the rain stopped and everyone was ready to begin. Before starting, there were speeches given by the Mayor of Miami, Tomas Regalado and Laurie Huesby, who, with her late husband Han Huesby, started the corporate run 30 years ago. The first people to start were the wheelchair racers, then the cannon was shot and the runners were on their way.

“A couple of my friends had gone and I know many of the business that were there. Next year I might even register to run because it seems like a lot of fun to be in that kind of atmosphere. Who wouldn’t want to run through the rain?” sophomore Tania Nieto said.

With a time of 15 minutes and 22 seconds, Bret Fransen of Mount Sinai Hospital came in first place. Tiffani Hill of Broucher Brother came in first place for women with a time of 16 minutes and 33 seconds. After all the participants crossed the finish line, they all went back to their tents to enjoy the rest of the night.