Venezuelan Elections
The people of Venezuela cheering after the opposition party won the elections.
Dec 10, 2015
On Sunday, Dec. 6, Venezuela held its parliamentary elections, and for the first time in 17 years, the opposition party ended up winning with a supermajority.
“Change is finally coming, but the next couple of weeks will be the most nerve-wracking in history,” senior Joshua Zambrano said.
Once the elections were over and the results were announced, current president Nicolas Maduro took to the press to say that he accepted the loss but will continue fighting to create the socialist state that late president Hugo Chavez had originally envisioned.
“It’s absolutely great to know that there is hope and that someday Venezuela will go back to being the country that I remember and that I love. Someday I can go back without worrying if I’m going to get kidnapped while crossing the street or if they are going to stop [our] car and take our valuables. To be honest, that’s the best Christmas present anyone can ask for,” sophomore Valeria Gutierrez said.
The people of Venezuela encouraged everyone to go out and vote by taking to social media and tweeting frequently. After voting, citizens had their finger dyed in ink to signify that they have voted, disallowing people from voting twice. Many posted on social media to show off their dyed fingers, and promote others to vote.
The future of Venezuela is finally in the hands of the people. Although people are worried about what will happen in the future, politically and socially speaking, things will be getting better.