Woodland Hills
Student Council
Albany Muria Student Council President
My name is Albany Muria and I’m running for Student Council President in order to make next year unforgettable for students of all-grade levels. As a dedicated and responsible candidate, I believe to be qualified for this position. I will also strive to represent Coral Gables Senior High in the the best way possible and instill our beloved Cavalier pride. My goal is to work with the rest of board to make high school our best years yet.
Holden Payne Student Council President
My name is Holden Payne and I’m running for student council president for next year because I want to reflect the ideas of my peers along with the rest of the student council. As president I would plan new events that the students are interested in and will enjoy. So make sure to vote me for president.
Julian Elortegui Student Council Vice President
I am running for Student Council Vice President with the hopes of contributing to the way things are managed and run around Gables. I have experience as a second year Student Activities member, treasurer of IBHS, historian of NHS, and founder and Captain of the school’s Ultimate Frisbee team. I would like the opportunity to represent the entire school and enhance everyone’s experience at Gables. I hope to make next year’s board and entire student body a successful one.
Sabryna Gonzalez Student Council Vice President
High school is one of the most memorable parts of our lives. We all desire a positive outcome from it, and hope for the best. If you vote for me, I will ensure that your high school experience will be an unforgettable one filled with wonderful times, great field trips, and awesome treat days!
Ximena Puig Student Council Secretary
With my ambitious attitude and all the opportunities there are at this school, I hope to graduate my senior year, having left a mark. There are so many things I strive to accomplish as a student, and currently a Sophomore, I have yet to start most of them. I wish to represent all the students at Coral Gables Senior High by being their Student Council Secretary. In this prestigious position I will incorporate my creativity with my hard work to make the 2016-2017 school year, one to remember.
Guneet Moihdeen Student Council Treasurer
My name is Guneet Moihdeen and I would like to run for Student Council Treasurer in order to become more involved with our school. For me, this position would be another opportunity to add to my leadership experience at Coral Gables Senior High and allow me to get out of my comfort zone in terms of working with a unique group of people. Although I have not had any proper experience as a treasurer, I’ve had experience during the collection process of several individual clubs (writing receipts, recaps, and working on a spreadsheet) and would like to try something new.
Olivia Pelaez Student Council Treasurer
My name is Olivia Pelaez and I am running for Student Council Treasurer because I want to be more involved in our school and have a larger role in student affairs. This opportunity would allow me to learn and appreciate how much work and planning goes into the school events. I am very organized, work well with others and although I don’t have experience being a treasurer, I always handle money responsibly. This is an exciting and challenging role that I would be eager to fulfill to the best of my abilities.
Julian Perez Student Council Treasurer
I am running for the position of Student Council Treasurer with the hopes of playing a role in the process that goes into running many aspects of life at Gables. This position is one that requires responsibility, quick thinking, and punctuality, all qualities that I possess. I would be honored to be a part of next year’s board and I hope to be a part of what is sure to be a great year.
Maxx Schoenblatt Student Council Treasurer
Currently in my third year being a part of Student Activites, I am running for Student Council Treasurer. My goal is to leave my mark on Gables before graduating next year and to do so I would like to accomplish as much as I can before I depart from Gables. Aside from being apart of Student Activities, I am in the IB program as well as a member of Gables Earth, NHS, Coral Gables Ultimate Frisbee, and ran Cross Country during the season. I hope that next year me as well as my class, will be able to represent and make Gables proud.
Class of 2017
Annie Farrell Senior Class President
Senior year is the BIGGEST year. I want to help make it the best for everyone in the Class of 2017. Vote for me, Annie Farrell, for Senior Class President and we will make senior year unforgettable.
Hannah Cordes Senior Class Vice President
Freshmen year I wanted to be involved, so I got involved. I have been working hard as the class of 2017 treasurer for the past three years. Ensuring that every task I take on gets done. I have decided to run for vice president, because I know what it takes to organize an event, be timely, write a receipt, etc. I may not be the only one, but I want to continue to dedicate my time in effort to the class of 2017, so they can have some of the best years of their lives at Coral Gables Senior High
Jose “Pepe” Puig Senior Class Vice President
Although some teachers may call me Jose, most of my fellow classmates best know me as Pepe. As present Junior Class Treasurer, my ambition has driven me to strive for higher goals and run for Senior Class Vice President. In no time, we’ll be dethroning the class of 2016 and will embark on a new and exciting journey: Senior Year. Vote for me, Pepe Puig, and I promise I will work my hardest to make our last year ever of High School, the best one yet.
Noah Cohn Senior Class Treasurer
Hi, my name is Noah Cohn, and I am very interested in becoming your Senior Class Treasurer. I am an organized and responsible student who has the experience – as I am the Best Buddies Treasurer – and the qualities necessary to excel at this position. Know that I will not only would I put forth my maximum effort, but I will also put forth my dedication and time to ensure that our senior year will be the best it can be.
Alex Rabell Senior Class Treasurer
Hello my name is Alex Rabell. It would be an honor to be your Senior Class Treasurer. I believe I would be ideal for this position because I am accountable, organized and trustworthy, which are the perfect characteristics for this job. I guarantee my maximum effort and skills towards this position. I am excited to work with the rest of the senior class board to make sure our senior year is unforgettable. Let’s make it a great year!
Sofia Salvatore Senior Class Treasurer
Hey guys! My name is Sofia Salvatore and I am running for Senior Class Treasure. I am grateful every day to be a Cavalier in this amazing school and to form a part of our community of diverse and talented individuals. Being responsible, amicable, organized, collaborative, and committed make me ready to take on the task of forming part of our Student Government. It is my intention to represent our class honestly and listen closely to anyone’s concerns. I hope that you give me the opportunity to give back to this remarkable school- Coral Gables Senior High.
Bhargavi Pochi Senior Class Secretary
My name is Bhargavi Pochi and I am running for Senior Class Secretary in order to help improve Gables. Student government plays a significant role in organizing the activities within the school and I wish to be apart of that. If I become Senior Class Secretary I would work to better the high school experience for Gables’ students. Additionally, I would like to aid the other student government members by assisting them with their work, as well as help plan events for the Class of 2017. I would help make Class of 2017’s senior year as memorable as possible, and make sure that the senior class events are as best as they could be.
Carlos Mannarino Senior Class Secretary
Hello, I’m Carlos Mannarino, and I’m extremely interested in becoming your Senior Class Secretary. I am a well-rounded, responsible student in which I believe I have the essential qualities necessary to contribute to success of our fellow class of 2017. Not only would I input my maximum effort and energy as Secretary, but I’d also try my best to adhere to my ultimate goal of providing my dedication and know-how in order to make our senior year a memorable and unforgettable one.
Class of 2018
Savannah Payne Junior Class President
My name is Savannah Payne and I am running for Junior Class President for the 2016-2017 school year. I have been working in student council as Freshmen and Sophomore Class President the past two years so I fully understand the responsibilities and am prepared to take on the challenges. As well as executing the class trip, shirt, treat days, and other various responsibilities, I am excited to plan the Junior College tour if elected. I am proud to call Coral Gables Senior High my second home and would be grateful to represent the class of 2018 with enthusiasm and dedication.
Sara Saliamonas Junior Class Vice President
I am Sara Saliamonas and I am running for Junior Class Vice President for this upcoming school year. I will try and make the 2016-2017 school year as enjoyable and memorable as possible. I will work tirelessly on junior oriented events such as The Junior Class Trip, In-State and Out-of-State college tour, Junior Treat Days, and the Junior Ring ceremony. I want the class of 2018 to be able to look back on their high school experience with a positive light. I want to hear what you have to say and honor your wishes to the best of my ability.
Robert DeDonatis Junior Class Vice President
My hope is to be remembered after I leave Coral Gables Senior High. I plan to leave my mark by seizing opportunities to improve the student experience, as well as, making the school year a productive and enjoyable one for my fellow classmates and me. I believe high school can, and should be, one of our greatest memories. I expect to achieve my goals by becoming an active member of student government, where my voice can be heard and I can speak for my peers as their Junior Class Vice President. I will work my hardest to represent my class of 2018 with honesty and integrity to ensure that the 2016-2017 school year will be an unforgettable one.
Brianna de la Osa Junior Class Treasurer
As next year’s junior student class treasurer, I hope to work closely with the rest of the board to set up various events and manage a tight budget. I would like to manage our money effectively so that we can get the most for our class. And most of all I am looking forward to helping create a beautiful year for my class and having an amazing time with the board. I will do everything I can to make our junior year memorable. By providing more incentives for students to buy magazines I hope the increase the amount of money we have as a class.
Nicole De Barros Junior Class Treasurer
My name is Nicole De Barros and I’m running for junior class treasurer. I thought about joining last year but I was only a freshman and had no idea where to start. I am also very proud to represent the academy of finance. This year I am ready and prepared. Being involved with the school and planning activities is something I actually enjoy doing. You will always see me going around planning something for myself and others also I have fun doing it, helping the school achieve this would be a great new experience and I can’t wait to start!
Juliana Balladares Junior Class Secretary
My name is Juliana Balladares, I have been on the board since Freshman year and enjoy making our class feel comfortable at Gables and happy because of the trips and treat days we plan. My proposed plans as secretary of the tenth-grade student body are to attend and be punctual to all meetings, prepare detailed and unbiased summaries of the meetings and deliver them, be inclusive and open-minded to the different ideas discussed, prepare awesome treat days, and help organize the Junior College Tour trip so that it can be a great experience and help students decide where to go in the future.
Class of 2019
Thomas Harley Sophomore Class President
Hello, my name is Thomas Harley and I want to be your sophomore class president for 2016-2017. My main goal, due to the fact that radical changes in the school are often near impossible, is to implement small quality-of-life changes into the school and improve your overall experience at Gables. I will make it my greatest priority to hear the entire class’s opinion on topics such as treat days, class t-shirts, and class trips. I am a proven leader as a captain of the JV football team. I can promise you that I will be totally devoted and determined to making next year the ideal year for all current freshmen at Gables.
Alfredo Wolfermann Sophomore Class President
My name is Alfredo Wolfermann and I’m running for sophomore class president because I want to represent my peers along with the rest of the sophomore class board in the best way possible. I want to reach out to every academy of the school, making sure that no one is underrepresented. I believe I can execute all the necessary tasks that the position requires. Also, as your current freshman class president, I have gained a lot of experience in the aspect of student government. Experience that will help me make the best decisions for our class. I want to make an impactful and positive difference in the school and continue to serve and represent the student body while planning activities that students are interested in and will enjoy.
Sutton Payne Sophomore Class Vice President
I want to influence changes in our school for the better, and I hope to accomplish this through the position of sophomore vice president. I am an active free-diver and I also love to play basketball. Both of these sports teach me for one, to stay calm and under pressure, and for two, to work well with a team. I wish to form more ways to become a completely “green” school. This means cleaning up the school, as well as cleaning up and bringing more life to the campus. I will put constant effort into doing what is best for the entire student body.
Sunshine Lopez Sophomore Class Vice President
I, Sunshine Lopez, would love to be your vice-president for your sophomore year. I plan on making a difference for the class of 2019. Along with my peers I plan on making the 2016-2017 school year a memorable one. It has always been a goal of mine to be a part of my student council. I am very determined, I accomplish everything I set my mind to, I am responsible, and willing to do everything to accomplish your happiness and make sure you have a wonderful year. If elected, you will not regret it, because it is the right choice. Every single voice of the 2019 class will be heard
Maria Estrada Sophomore Class Treasurer
Hello, my name is Maria Estrada or commonly referred to as ‘Little Maria.’ As the year rushes by and we begin to form our definition of what it means to be a Cavalier, I feel myself diving deeper into our diverse student body. I am currently a part of CavsConnect and hope to become involved in Speech and Debate, Gables Players, FBLA, NEHS, SECME and Key Club. If given the opportunity to represent our student body as your Sophomore Class Treasurer, I would like to work collaboratively with my peers to assure the views of the sophomore are heard. I believe my accountability, experience in the past year and leadership skills can be a great asset to our class. I believe that I can apply everything I’ve learned in the past term to serve our students and apply my obtained knowledge. As Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “Great minds discuss ideas,” that is what I plan on doing alongside fellow members if appointed. I aspire to be a treasurer that lives up to our class’ expectations and not only promotes, but lives out what they’ve proposed.
Alain Perez Sophomore Class Treasurer
I, Alain Perez, would be thrilled to be one of your Sophomore Class Treasurers during the 2016-2017 year. Due to the fact that I as a Pre-IB student am a very dedicated and responsible person whenever it comes to obstacles that I encounter throughout the way to more success. As treasurer I commit to handling our money as best as possible and caring for every cent of it. I strive for this position as treasurer to actualize the wants of the student body; such as, treat days, Sophomore Class Trip, etc. Being a part of Student Government has been a goal for me since I have entered high school, and now I wish to fulfill that goal.
Cristian Ochoa Sophomore Class Treasurer
My name is Cristian Ochoa and I am running to be your next Sophomore class treasurer. I am very exited for the year to come knowing that if elected I will put all my effort into making it a memorable year. My aspiration for Sophomore year is to have a student government in which everyone believes their voice is being heard. I know that if I am elected I can be that person you can come to. A treasurer is one that holds the key to an organization’s success and if I become the Sophomore Class Treasurer, I will gladly take hold of that key to make the Class of 2019 a success
Natalia Torres Sophomore Class Treasurer
Hi, my name is Natalia Torres and I am running to be one of the Treasurers on the Sophomore Student Council. I consider myself to be very hardworking, dedicated, loyal, honest and trustworthy, qualities which will allow me to perform my duties in a way that is in the best interest of the school. I would really like to be able to continue to be involved in Coral Gables High School, and be able to serve as a voice for the students. If elected, I will continue to put forth maximum effort in the fulfillment of my duties and in representing the student body. Thankyou.
Jack Band Sophomore Class Secretary
Good day ladies and gentlemen. My name is Jack Band and I am running for the position of sophomore secretary for the upcoming 2016-2017 year. Since elementary school, I have been a behind-the-scenes type of student who cares strongly about the welfare of my class and school. If you know me, you know that I never stop talking. I share whatever comes to mind, which allows me to articulate my honest opinions well and share possible solutions. I believe this distinctive trait, along with my great enthusiasm and care for school affairs, would add a strong, high-quality leadership to the board. I look forward to an exciting and productive school year ahead. Thank you for your time and remember to vote Jack Band.
Ana Wolfermann Sophomore Class Secretary
My name is Ana Wolfermann and I am running for Sophomore Class Secretary. My goal is to be able to continue to contribute towards Gables positively in any way I can. With my organization and optimistic orientation while presenting solutions, I believe I am qualified to uphold this position as secretary. I am responsible and I like to be outgoing and independent, yet I love to share ideas and work with others as I learn about their perspectives. I aspire to be an honest, genuine and a broad-minded person and I hope to be able to represent my peers by devoting my time primarily to each of my tasks and goals as Sophomore Class Secretary.