Senior Magazine List as of 10/11/16

Ken Hawkins

Asegúrate que tu nombre este en esta lista si eres estudiante de duodécimo grado y vendiste al menos 3 revistas para que puedas participar en las actividades de la clase.

Annie Farrell, Copy Editor

SENIORS! Please click here to view the latest list of seniors that have sold AT LEAST 3 magazines. If you believe there is a mistake because you sold at least 3 magazines before this list update, please stop by Ms. Noval’s room (9319) or the Student Activities office (9219) as soon as possible and explain your concern.

REMEMBER: Seniors must sell at least 3 magazines in order to be eligible to participate in class events. This means treat days, Grad Bash, prom and more!

Note: The list is organized alphabetically by last name.