Gables’ First Ever Pop up Art Walk

Art students share their talents with the rest of the school!

Kelsy Pacheco, Staff Writer

On Thursday, Feb. 16., students came out of second block to find caution tape sectioning off parts of the pavilion and supplies scattered everywhere. Many were confused as to what was going on, but once lunch started, everything became clear – it was Gables’ first ever art walk. Featuring a range of different artists working in different mediums, the art walk was a new and exciting tradition that the students wanted to bring to the school.

“It was definitely something really special for both art club and creative writing, because it was like we were starting a new tradition to hopefully be able to be pass on to the next class,” sophomore Giselle Claro said.

Having had the idea for almost there years now, creative writing teacher Ms. Zaldivar wanted to be able to produce something with the visual arts students at Gables and those who have a passion for creating art. Since the visual arts students are often overlooked and underappreciated, Zaldivar wanted a way to be able to put them in the spotlight and highlight the amazing talent hidden in the school.

“I think there were times when it was more fun than work. In all honesty, we outlined what we wanted to happen, but the artists filled the details in with their mediums and the kinds of pieces they wanted to create. Almost like real art, we had an idea and a plan, but the artists brought it to life,” Creative Writing Club President Moira Meijaard said.

Many students wondered why the art walk was not announced and were very confused as to what was happening while it was going on. One of the things that was emphasized greatly in the process of putting together the art walk was to keep it as secretive as possible and make it as much of a surprise as it could be.

Students should expect another pop up art walk before the end of the year, which will feature many of the same mediums, including digital art, caricatures and watercolor, plus new additions that are sure to impress the whole school.