Academy of Finance: Rising to Success


As the the three-day camp came to an end, the vivacious team, which made over thirty sandwiches, posed for a picture.

Jesse Zambrano, Features Editor

As summer rolled in, incoming students to the Academy of Finance (AOF) program were invited to attend a three-day informational interactive camp, which was held at Coral Gables Sr. High. For those entering high school, the thought itself can be intimidating; luckily so, the AOF board members, along with Ms. Carranza, the academy leader, tried to ease the young students’ nerves by providing vital information that would allow them to walk tall as they enter the next phase of their lives.

Zoe Villafoñe
Incoming Academy of Finance students gather to receive pertinent information on their first day of camp.

The soon-to-be high school students received all types of information– from learning the program’s work ethic to the student’s involvement and how it all ties into the campus’ atmosphere. Students also gathered around to hear speeches given by faculty membes about the expectations of the program, its course curriculum and the completion requirements needed to graduate with an Academy of Finance diploma from. Mr. G was accompanied by Ms. Carranza and other AOF students who aided by answering questions the incoming freshmen had.

The camp involves a school tour that proves to be helpful the first week of school when around 3,000 students come back to school and make navigation around campus somewhat difficult. The three-day camp also serves as a place where friends can be made without the first-day-of-school jitters.

“The camp was super fun. It allowed me to make new friends that I look forward to seeing when school starts in August,” rising junior Zoe Villafoñe said.

On the second day, the students were advised on how to properly dress for the program’s “dress for success,” an iconic day for AOF students as they strut their best, work-appropriate outfits. To present to the students ways to match outfits at a low and affordable cost, Men’s Warehouse stopped by the camp to give a brief, well thought-out presentation on do’s and don’ts when assembling the perfect outfit. Men’s Warehouse has been working with high school students nationwide with the hopes of improving students’ confidence by teaching them early on how to impress job interviewers.

“I love AOF camp! I look forward to it every year,” junior Christian Segurola said.

Ms. DePaola
Interact members and incoming freshmen work together to make sandwiches which would later be taken to Camillus House.

As the second day was came to an end, Interact, one of the school’s community service clubs, came with fixtures to make sandwiches. The camp attendees, along with the NAF and Interact board members, made sandwiches that would later be taken to Camillus House. This collaboration served as an insight to the students on how community service plays a pivotal role not only in AOF’s program, but also at Coral Gables Sr. High.

The next morning was a bit different, for the third day was spent playing the “AOF Olympics.” Much like the Olympics, NAF students, veterans and new, participated in countless activities that required skill, determination and, most important of all, teamwork.