Possible Six-Period Schedule at Gables


Jake Paz

Students such as junior Aaron Harrison would have a difficult time with the extended class times and work if the six-period schedule plan was passed.

Jake Paz, Staff Writer

The idea of changing our current eight-period schedule into a six period one  has been brought up by some teachers and faculty members around the school. The potential six-period schedule would decrease the number of classes in one day, which is currently four, to three, and increase the amount of time students will be in each class to two hours. This idea will lead to a decreased amount of electives and will make students disinterested in their teacher’s lessons; all they will be doing is staring at the clock hoping the bell will ring. In order to decide whether or not to use the six-period schedule plan or the original eight-period schedule, teachers had a meeting after school on Tuesday, Feb. 24  to have a democratic vote.

Currently, our school schedule consists of four classes a day, all lasting around an hour and a half, allowing students to have multiple electives along with all their core subjects. However, a six-period day would only leave students two electives or fewer, depending on academy requirements. For example, junior IB students already have only one elective, and if the six-period schedule was used, then they would lose it. To make matters worse, with the six-period day, students in remedial courses for math and reading will have to lose one or both of their electives in order to make room for those class. All in all, the idea is counterproductive and is attempting to “fix” a system that was never broken in the first place.

“I think the eight-period schedule is really important because it ensures students can take remedial courses and to be able to complete their academy requirements without sacrificing their electives,” AP European History teacher Mrs. Landsea said.

Even thought the idea seems flawed, some teachers support it, since they think that the increased time spent in class will allow students to get more things done and learn more at the same time. The extra time added to classes will allow teachers to not rush through their lessons or have to hastily assign homework as the bell is about to ring. The extra class time would be especially appreciated just before test taking season begins so teachers can be positive that they have enough time to cover everything they need to know for the exam.

At the end of their meeting, an astounding amount of teachers voted to not change our current schedule. The potential alteration would have interfered with a student’s ability to choose an elective he or she finds interesting, such as Ceramics, Culinary, Fashion, Dance or Band. The six period day also had very little room to accommodate students that need to alter their schedules in order to have remedial classes. If the new plan was to be passed, students would be distracted by the longer class times.

Thankfully, the new six-period schedule will not be incorporated here at Gables. Students will continue to be able to have a greater amount of electives along with all of their classes while not increasing class time.