What Movies Should You Check Out This Summer?

Lane Morris, Staff Writer

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Jurrasic World

Summer 2015 is heating up with a ton of great new movies. Ranging from love stories to comic book hero films, they are perfect for friends, family and everyone in-between!

Jurassic World: PG-13; 124 min

Released Date: June 12, 2015

Rotten Tomatoes: 71%

Jurassic World’s mix of adventure, mystery and a little bit of romance makes it perfect to watch with friends and family. This remake of Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park will not disappoint any of the sci-fi and action lovers out there.

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Inside Out

Inside Out:  PG; 94 mins

Release Date: June 19, 2015

Rotten Tomatoes: 98%

Pixar’s Inside Out gives you a look inside a young girl’s mind, and displays how her emotions work together to help her navigate the new changes in her life. With many well-known voices such as  Amy Poehler and Bill Hader, this animated film is great for all ages.

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Minions: PG; 91 mins

Release Date: July 10, 2015

Rotten Tomatoes: 65%

In the prequel to Despicable Me, Minions, three minions embark on a mission for a super villain to work for. Everyone in the family will enjoy following these yellow minions on their crazy laugh-out-loud adventure.

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Ant-Man: Not Rated Yet; 115 mins

Released Date: July 15, 2015

Rotten Tomatoes: Not Scored Yet

Ant-Man, one of the original Avengers, is a great movie for comic book hero fanatics. Ant-Man is faced with the challenge of protecting a secret and pulling off a heist that will save the world. Grab your pals and head to the theaters to enjoy this action-filled film.

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Paper Towns

Paper Towns: Not Rated Yet

Release Date: July 24, 2015

Rotten Tomatoes: Not Scored Yet

As John Green’s second movie, after The Fault in Our Stars, Paper Towns is a must see of the summer. Cara Delevigne and Nat Wolff star in this mysterious romance movie. Make sure to check out the book, “Paper Towns”, in stores now before watching the film.

Don’t spend your summer on Netlfix everyday; check out these summer movies in theaters on their respective release dates!