Are Children of Illegal Immigrants Entitled to A Public Education?

Illegal immigrants are entitled to an education.

Illegal immigrants are entitled to an education.

Yeileny Lopez, Staff Writer

Many people come to the United States of America to find a better future for their children and themselves; but many of them have had to resort to coming here illegally. Along with other struggles and concerns these families face, worrying whether or not their children will receive an education should not be one of them. If people are risking their lives to come here to prosper, why shouldn’t their kids be entitled to a public education?

Our government’s constitution ensures that all children be given equal educational opportunities in order to become active member of society. Discrimination in terms of education does not exist anymore with the fact that someone of any race or religion can go to the same school and receive the same education. There are some schools that have special learning programs such as English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) for children that do not know English, which means that language barriers will not hinder them from getting an education. If every child is entitled to a public education then there should not be any discrimination towards the children of illegal immigrants and they should be given the same opportunities to be successful in school.

People supporting that children of illegal immigrants are entitled to an education.
People supporting the education of children of illegal immigrants.

“I think regardless of the fact that their parents are illegal immigrants, the children should still be entitled to a public education because it’s not their fault at all, they didn’t have a choice on whether or not to be illegal immigrants, they were born into it and shouldn’t have to be excluded because of it,” freshman Belle Rojas said.

Others may think these children shouldn’t be entitled to a public education because their parents do not pay taxes and their education would come at the cost of tax payers money. They believe that if the kids want an education they should get it in their country, not in America. Most people are against free public education for children of illegal immigrants because they feel it is unfair to kids who were born here or came here legally. They think it is unfair because they feel like they have to work extremely hard to pay the bills and expenses to have money taken away from them at the end of the year for the public education of children who should not be here.

This shows how protesters feel about illegal immigrants getting a proper education in America.
This shows how protesters feel about illegal immigrants getting a proper education in America.

“I think any child is entitled to an education. Immigrant or not any child has potential like the others to become a professional when they grow up. Actually many children of immigrants tend to want to excel in school because they have seen or heard the hardships their own parents had to go through. Overall children most benefit a community by getting an education,” junior Jasmin Valverde said.

While the people who disagree are entitled to their opinions; their reasoning behind not supporting public education for illegal immigrant children is not completely correct; for example when you pay for taxes; some of the money goes for public schools. You are supporting an education for the generations of the future. Children of illegal immigrants are part of the future, they are capable of many things and each and every one of them will shape our future for the better. That is why they should be entitled to a public education; immigrant children should be given the possibility to improve their future and hence forth better our country.