China Removes One Child Policy

The end of the One Child Policy brings many concerns for the nation’s future.

Natalie De La Rosa, Staff Writer

China, the most populated country in the world with almost 1.37 billion citizens and an ever increasing population has now stopped their infamous, “One Child Policy.” China’s population growth was so rapid in the past, that the government had to create the One Child Policy which limited couples to having only one child. The policy was intended to slow down their population growth and limit the demands for water and other resources. If a family decided to have more than one child, it would be forced to pay increased taxes as a result.
It can get quite difficult to move from place to place in China due to their large population.

Recently, China removed its One Child Policy and has increased the limit to two children per family to try to deal with their aging population. For some families this is miracle, however, China as a whole will eventually face the repercussions of over population; which would not only affect their economy and living conditions, but may even lead to the increased spread of diseases.

“I am concerned for China because the increase in birthrates will only increase their population which is already incredibly high,” freshman Melie Zafra said.

Those who agree with the recent revision of the policy argue that the increase to two children will bring down the abortion rates of unwanted children. When the One Child Policy was active, many couples were aborting baby girls, because a male child was seen as superior. Also, the increase to two children per family will gradually increase the amount of people in the work force and ease pressures from an aging population.
Propaganda for China’s old One Child Policy often depicted baby boys due to male children being more desirable than girls.

China’s workforce may increase significantly due to this change, however, this increase will gradually lead the country to overpopulation. Overpopulation effects the economy, living conditions and the spread of diseases.

“China’s increase to two children only leaves room for problems and the spread of diseases resulting in a high death rate,” freshman Alison Gonzalez said.

The increase in China’s policy to two children creates a ticking time bomb that will explode when China becomes overcrowded and reaches its maximum capacity. Many are left wondering what China’s next plan of action will be when overpopulation becomes a dire problem.