Threat on the White House
Subjects that appear on the threatening video
Dec 10, 2015
On Monday, Nov. 16, 2015, a radical group of Muslims from the Islamic State threatened to attack President Barack Obama in the White House in a video released to the media. In the video, this group of attackers discuss their plans to bomb any nation who dare question their authority and rights as Muslims. Although the video’s authenticity hasn’t been proven, the U.S Department of Homeland Security should not take any threat lightly.
The man identified as Al Ghareeb the Algerian, who is accompanied by a few other men, is holding an American soldier’s head to prove to the audience that they are not letting anyone escape. “We say to the states that take part in the crusader campaign that, by God, you will have a day, God willing, like France’s and by God, as we struck France in the center of its abode in Paris, then we swear that we will strike America at its center in Washington,” Al Ghareeb said. The United States has never been a nation to bow down to a threat – especially one as severe as this – and won’t stop now. ISIS has demonstrated after their attacks in France and Lebanon that they are not ludicrous. Rather, they tend to bring everything they say to reality so that they can fulfill the “purpose.” Thankfully, as of Wednesday, Nov.18, the security around the nation’s capital has been increased to assure the people’s safety.
Since this decision was taken, some have expressed their concern on whether America is being too drastic or somehow letting ISIS win by instilling fear in US citizens. A video released by FOX News shows this frustration, and asks if this threat should be taken lightly. However, what many fail to comprehend is that the United States represents 30 million people who seek security and freedom and our government intends on keeping these polished promises. In addition to that, the US has suffered and been made a fool of too many times and ISIS does not truly know the determined nation they are facing. So no, America isn’t being weak or submitting; we are being cautious and protecting ourselves from those who have resorted to violence. By taking security measures, the government is following proper procedure to handle this situation.
“I believe it is in moments like these that we must take intelligent measures against those who threaten us,” freshman Julia Andrada said.
Although many believe that Obama is stalling our defense strategy against ISIS, Obama states that we’ll do the right thing at the appropriate time. “We have the right strategy and we’re going to see it through,” Obama said. The United States of America plans on abiding by the freedoms that have been given to the American people by its Founding Fathers – freedom of speech, religion, assembly and press – and will not comply with ISIS’s desires for America to be an Islamic nation. ISIS is one of the many inevitable threats our country has encountered, and we can only hope for the best results from the strategy we decide to pursue. The home of the brave will push on with a lionhearted spirit, and ISIS will not hinder our prosperity or freedom.