
The “Total” Package: Net Neutrality

Jan 6, 2018

Gabriella Torna

Stand up for net Neutrality

The Federal Communications Commission’s recent decision to vote against net neutrality has sparked controversy as many social-media users are resisting the end of their digital rights. Removing net neutrality protections will change how users use the internet and how much they will pay for different services. Anti-net neutrality means that service providers are now able to charge big web content providers, such as Netflix, Google and Amazon, which will result in inflated consumer rates. Many people who understand what net neutrality stands for have taken measures into their own hands by reaching out to others to join the fight for our digital rights through social media. In order to fight for the internet we know and use today, people are texting RESIST to 50409 to their respective Representatives advising them to save net neutrality.

With net neutrality, service providers are prohibited from slowing down the internet and blocking people from websites of their choosing, thus allowing consumers to freely surf the web. However, if net neutrality is repealed, then consumers will be forced to pay to access different sites and pay for high-quality streaming. Net neutrality protects the right to roam the internet with no hidden fees or blocked websites. Due to the inflated prices, it can be expected that consumers might cancel their current internet subscriptions. The cancellation of these subscriptions might lead to a fluctuation of internet consumers; with this drop, big internet providers will lose money and business. Companies such as AT&T, Comcast and Verizon are against net neutrality, with 2016 contributions to end net neutrality ranging from $3,000,000 to $12,000,000. 

“I think what Pai is doing is terrible. He is just doing it to get more money for big companies. However, we are in a society right now where our whole lives revolve around the internet,” junior Luccianne Vivas said.

Some people are pushing for the end of net neutrality because it means that service providers will earn more money than the usual by implementing acts that are no longer protected by net neutrality. Ajit Pai, a Republican member of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission, is all about terminating net neutrality because he believes that “the rules are too burdensome and that they stifle innovation and competition.” What Pai means by this is that he believes net neutrality blocks the ability to innovate and create something new, he also believes it stops competition between businesses. The FCC wants to stop net neutrality because it would give money to the big companies that fund our economy. Companies like Google will have to pay internet providers more money to make sure that their customers can still access same service speed. It can be said that major internet service providers will win big time if net neutrality comes to an end. Without net neutrality, big companies might consider paid prioritization, which is the act of charging extra to transport content at higher speeds. These companies might consider paid prioritization because it would mean charging consumers for “fast lane” access while giving the “slow lanes” to those consumers who would not pay for that premium access of “fast lanes”.

“Net neutrality is an essential right. It keeps the internet open, free and uncensored. If Ajit Pai and the FCC undo net neutrality, then censorship and higher-priced internet will have a stronger chance of happening. The end of net neutrality is the first step to a darker future,” sophomore Adrian Vidal said.

Net neutrality is more than just internet freedom for the people; it is about not being charged for websites that now we get for free with no added charges or payments. The end of net neutrality would result in limited resources for media outlets and one-sided news, thus leading to an uneducated or biased population. Net neutrality coming to an end means the public school system might completely change. It would be hard for students to get their online learning materials if some sites become blocked or if the sites begin charging. Net neutrality is an important aspect of our society, and letting it go means destroying the internet and our online freedom.

Net neutrality is good, and the fight for it must continue. On Feb. 26, 2015, the FCC voted for net neutrality, a cause that many had stood up for in order to achieve free internet service and the ability to jump from provider to provider. Net neutrality offers the ability to explore the world wide web and helps give a voice to those who go unheard. Standing up for net neutrality means standing up for small businesses who are trying to make it without having to face extra charges and hidden fees from big network providers like AT&T or Verizon.

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Photo of Gabriella Torna
Gabriella Torna, Photographer

Gabriella "Gaby" Torna, is a senior in the International Baccalaureate (IB) program at Coral Gables Senior High. As a photographer for CavsConnect,  Gaby...

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