Joseph Abrahantes
With his iconic trap personality making a comeback after years of wait, Bad Bunny's new album has been steadily making strides to the top of charts.
Artist: Bad Bunny
Album Title: nadie sabe lo que va a pasar mañana
Release Date: Oct. 13, 2023
Overall Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Genre: Reggaeton/Latin Trap
Benito “Bad Bunny” Ocasio is an international sensation who has once again shaken the music industry with his latest album release: “nadie sabe lo que va a pasar mañana”. This long-awaited album is one big, bold blend of genres, showcasing his versatility and musical capabilities. After debuting his Latin-trap music personality back in 2018, he decided to bring it back in his new album. With its unique blend of reggaeton, trap and heartfelt songs, Benito’s album stands as a testament to his continued evolution as an artist.
Track 1 “NADIE SABE”
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Starting off the album with the first track “NADIE SABE,” Benito talks about his first-world problems and his relationship with his fans. For him, money is not an issue, but it does not make him happy. As displayed in the lyrics, “Sentirse solo con cien mil persona’ al frente”, he feels lonely in spite of the millions of fans he has showering him with love all the time. The drama that has been created by misinformation has strengthened the level of animosity between him and his fans.
“In my honest opinion, this song is good because of the deep and intriguing lyrics, but it’s a little too long for me; towards the end I start to get bored,” junior Mia McLean said.
Throughout the song, Benito discusses how he is only perceived as his superstar image on the outside, but there is so much more to him than just that. His deep, baritone voice represents the anger that has built up inside of him, while an angelic choir hums a melodious tune. Overall, this song is a great representation of how Bad Bunny feels on the inside and outside.
Track 4 “HIBIKI” (Feat. Mora)
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The fourth track on the album, “HIBIKI,” featuring Mora, is a collaboration that has brought two different genres of music and combined it into one. This song has a house-music beat that brings a dynamic flavor to the reggaeton sound. The infectious energy of the track is immediately felt through the pulsating rhythm and vibrant electronic elements. Bad Bunny’s signature raspy vocals blend seamlessly with Mora’s smooth musical delivery, ultimately creating a captivating vocal synergy. The track’s production adds a refreshing twist by implementing irregular beats, giving listeners an opportunity to explore something new.
“This is one of the songs that I actually listened to the other day with my friend, and I really liked this one; it has a unique sound to it unlike his other music that all sounds pretty much the same,” junior Melanie Martinez said.
Tainy, MAG and La Paciencia were amongst a larger group of producers that managed to infuse this song with a danceable and contemporary vibe. The lyrics also enhance the overall experience. This song tells a story about being lost when you are separated from your partner. Mora sings, “Aquí mirando el reloj que no para de dar vueltas como yo,” which shows that he is spinning in circles anxiously, like a clock, while waiting for his partner to come back.
This collaboration not only showcases the two artists’ versatility, but also demonstrates their ability to test the boundaries of their normal audience by delivering a track that is not only catchy but also a step forward in the direction of evolving sounds within the Latin music scene.
Track 10 “TELÉFONO NUEVO” (Feat. Luar La L)
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
On track 10 of the album, “TELÉFONO NUEVO,” Bad Bunny reflects on his hardships, the difficulties of fame and the contradiction between his public and private lives in the lyrics. The first few lines describe a happy scene depicted in old photographs, contrasted with a conversation with God asking him to explain his grievances. While he admits his accomplishments, he implies that they are frequently overlooked or underappreciated.
The metaphor of his heart being imprisoned but his body being free alludes to emotional captivity despite outward achievement. The third verse in particular delves into a self-reflective tone that addresses his climb to stardom and the effects it has had on his relationships. He speaks with a combination of self-awareness and arrogance that reveals the complexities of reaching fame without losing sight of one’s true self.
“‘TELEFONO NUEVO’ is definitely my favorite song on the album. It’s interesting how Bad Bunny was able to mix such a meaningful song with an upbeat style. Not only that, but the message of the song is something that a lot of successful people struggle with, so it makes it that much more special,” sophomore Liam De Jong said.
Track 11 “BABY NUEVA”
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Continuing on the more meaningful note where “TELÉFONO NUEVO” left off, “BABY NUEVA” tells the story of emotional fortitude and determination following a breakup. Benito emphasizes his newfound power and independence by claiming that the heartbreak from the previous relationship no longer bothers him. His mention of going out to clubs and enjoying himself represents a release from the emotional burden of the past.
Bad Bunny indicates a desire for personal development outside of his relationship while acknowledging the former partner’s decisions and expressing a lack of interest. The refrain emphasizes how happy the artist is with his life after the split and how much he truly wants the best for his past lover. The story is made more aggressive and confident by the use of references to material achievement, such as new automobiles and accessories. The song’s lyrics, taken as a whole, promote resilience and confidence while moving past a relationship.
“It’s interesting how Bad Bunny focused on moving on from a relationship rather than being in one for ‘BABY NUEVA’. It’s really common to hear songs that are super fixated on being in relationships, something ‘Un Verano Sin Ti’ definitely had. It can get super repetitive, so the change shows growth for sure,” sophomore Lola Garcia-Jacques said.
Bad Bunny’s “Nadie Sabe Lo Que Va a Pasar Mañana” is a piece of art that proves his talent and strong dedication to his craft. With its infectious beats, heartfelt lyrics and genre-defying approach, the album strengthens Bad Bunny’s image of being a trailblazer in the world of modern-Latin music. A must-listen for Spanish-music enthusiasts and a proper representation of Bad Bunny’s roots, NSLQVAPM undoubtedly represents both a throwback and milestone in his already glorious career.