In 2024, countless individuals lost their lives in the United States due to gun violence. Infants, children, teens and adults comprise the long list of names of those who met a tragic death at the hands of someone holding a gun. Some of these deaths were accidental, while others were intentional, but the result was the same. Weeks, months and years later, nothing has been done to end the repeated gun violence. Now, with a shooting in a kindergarten school, it is even more clear that this heartbreaking cycle of death must end.
Gun violence in schools has only continued to worsen, with access to guns being easier than ever. Tragically, the most recent case of gun violence, on Dec. 4, involved two kindergarteners from a small religious school in Butte County, California. Though these kids were only starting their lives, nothing could be done to save them from the dangers of the outside world. The gunman, who ended his own life after injuring the children, was supposedly motivated by his desire to avenge America’s involvement in the Middle East and to protest the oppression of Palestine.
“With guns now becoming a problem in kindergartens, I believe it should be considered a wake up call for our. government to make changes to our gun laws. Because nothing ever changes, more and more kids have been injured and killed. Restrictions need to be set in place to limit who can actually get their hands on a gun. The issue is out of control, and nobody can seem to make a lasting decision,” junior Alyssa Dopico said.
The gunman, a 56-year-old man with a long criminal record and several mental illnesses, should have never had the opportunity to hold a gun in his hands. He injured two kindergarteners and left behind a scene of fear and bloodshed. Undeniably, his political ideas were no excuse for his actions.
While people across the country hold a wide range of beliefs, the majority is able to coexist peacefully without resorting to harm. The tiny religious school was a place of learning and safety until the chaos of the shooting. However, as government officials hear of more gun incidents, they proceed to do nothing but give their thoughts and prayers, effectively avoiding any positive change.
“Politicians are not helping to prevent future gun violence because they never accomplish anything with their power. If they truly wanted to prevent more school shootings, I would think something would have been done by now. People can have guns, but there should be some sort of regulations in place,” sophomore Emilia Kohnstamm said.
Currently, the victims of the shooting face a challenging road ahead, including multiple surgeries and a lengthy recovery. The community remains hopeful, though, as it is very thankful that the children have even survived such a tragic event. Many parents are still processing the shock of what happened, as they did not expect such brutality to occur at their children’s’ school. Now, they hold their little ones closer as they hope for a future where they will not have to worry about safety in schools. What will happen if gun violence only continues to worsen in America?
“It is obvious that guns are being prioritized over human lives in America. With this shooting in the kindergarten, the government should really be making an effort to find a way in which they can protect the Second Amendment and protect children,” junior Samantha Sears said.
The debate about what should be done to end this vicious cycle goes on and on. Some argue that mental illness is the cause and that gun violence will stop when mental illness is treated. Others argue that there are simply too many guns and that if they are outlawed, the problem of gun violence will be eradicated. It is because of this divide in thinking that no solution is ever found. This is shown in research, as firearms were actually the leading cause of death among children in 2020 and 2021.
“Gun violence has become such an extreme problem in America, and compared to other countries it is off the charts. Even though everyone is aware of school shootings, the laws still have not changed. It is really disappointing to see the government continue to ignore one of the biggest problems that we face. Parents have even become scared to send their children to school,” junior Anastasia Sanders said.
Since those who have lost their lives facing a gun cannot speak for themselves, those who have been elected by the people must finally come to their senses and take action. The majority of Americans want something to be done to ensure their safety while maintaining the limits of the Second Amendment. However, this can only be done when the people stop fighting and decide to work together to stop this issue. If the U.S. stays as it is now, going to school, the mall or even to church may be the last thing someone ever does.