If you haven’t already witnessed the 20 Beautiful Women Challenge taking place on Instagram, it is essentially a challenge in which a woman takes a “selfie” that she feels beautiful in, uploads it, and tags 20 other women she thinks are beautiful. The 20 other women have to repeat this, hash tagging #20BeautifulWomen. This empowering chain-link challenge has take over social media and has been received in several different ways.

For one, the serious challenge has taken an amusing and lighthearted turn. Some people post funny or embarrassing pictures of themselves to soften the overall mood behind the challenge, while also conveying confidence by showing the world their unpolished side.
“I see a lot of people posting really pretty pictures of themselves but other times I see them post really embarrassing pictures too,” sophomore Amber Calle said.

The challenge has also spread to the male population. Men have been participating in this challenge and tagging other men with the accompanying hash tag #2ohandsomemen.
“I don’t think its that serious when guys do it but its still kinda cool to see guys do it,” junior Stephan Chamberlin said.
These days, women, as well as men, feel the need to meet “requirements” in order to be perceived as pretty or beautiful. This tag reminds people that nobody can achieve the standards set by society and that they should feel confident enough to do anything they want. For example, post a picture of themselves.
“I think this tag is really needed in this day in age. Women are constantly persecuted for just being women and this tag makes them feel better about themselves even if its for just a small time span. It reminds them that they need to feel good about themselves,” freshman Kayla Ferra said.
Tagged or not, make sure to appreciate this tag that helps build self-esteem, one of the most vital things people need to be confident and successful.