Choosing Your College Fit

Choosing what colleges to apply to, and most importantly which college to attend, can be a difficult one decision, especially when choosing from a long list of schools.

Mariam Ahumada, Staff Writer

The transition from high school to college can be a stressful one. It’s a time of ends and new beginnings, where the idea of being on your own can be a frightening new experience. In reality, choosing what schools to apply to and committing to a college becomes much easier when you’re aware of your “make or break” characteristics. There is an extensive list of colleges to choose from; each with distinct aspects that can make all the difference in world to a college student. Out of the many aspects to look into when researching colleges; below are just a few that might make what seems like an endless college search into an easy task.

“Well since I want to major in film and theater its important for me for my college to have a good variety of classes in that field. This way I can grown stronger in my passion,” junior Tania Nieto said.
Having trouble choosing what major or degree path to follow? Above is a simplistic way of addressing the question of what you want to study.
  • Majors & Degrees Available: Out of the many things to look at when applying to colleges the majors and degrees available are definitely one of them. There are almost endless assortment of topics that a student can possibly major in! As disappointing as this may sound, not all schools offer the same majors or degree opportunities. Even though many students enter college with an undecided major, it is very important to at least have a general idea.
    Usually the student to teacher ratio is 11 to 6.
  • Campus & Class Size: Another characteristic that is important to consider is campus and class size. The amount of people in a school can make all the difference in both the college experience and, most importantly, the educational experience. Many people prefer to attend schools where the campus size is small, while several others prefer the opposite. Such a decision is mostly based on the student to teacher ratio since, for many students it can be easier to learn in a class that allows for better teacher and student interaction.
    In the map above the oldest and most prestigious colleges of each state are shown.
  • Location: It is fairly common for students to choose a college due to its location. This can be due to various reasons; from wanting to experience new environments and cultures to the desire to study away from home; location can affect these. There are several locations around the U.S. known for their college atmosphere, such as northern Florida, where the schools are iconic for their party-vibe.
  • Diversity: Depending on the school, your college years can be filled with diversity. Some schools have students from a variety of ethnicities, while others have a homogeneous population, which can present a difficulty for people who come from an ethnically diverse community like Miami.
    In the United States, as opposed to other countries, a wide diversity in ethnicity is fairly common among most colleges.
  • Extracurriculars: Despite the fact that a college should be chosen for its academics, a school’s extracurriculars also play a huge role. One of the many ways to receive a full college experience is to get involved in the activities at school; this can range from clubs to sports and everything in between! Make sure you research your school’s extracurriculars before applying, to guarantee an authentic college experience.
    During the beginning of each semester it’s typical of student activities to host an activities fair in order to allow freshmen to become involved at school.

“I don’t have the richest family so it really narrowed down my options to in-state schools. From there I look for schools with a good atmosphere on campus. I want to feel a part of a community. I think that colleges [have] more or less the same education, but every school has a unique vibe,” senior Mitch Gajardo said.

Choosing what college to go to can be a difficult decision, and it’s important to remember that the mere decision to go to college is a worthwhile accomplishment in itself. Not many people decide to advance their studies and choosing to do so, no matter where, is a start on the right path!