What Does Your Laptop Say About You?

Olivia Pelaez, Staff Writer

Every day, hundreds of Gables students walk around campus with laptops in their arms. Many of these students have stickers plastered on their computer or colorful keyboard covers. People usually personalize their stuff as a form of self expression, and you can find out a lot about a person based on how they decorate their laptop.

  1. The Plain Laptop: Countless people prefer having their laptop as simple as possible, and opt out of colorful stickers
    The plain laptop gives an elegant and timeless look.

    and covers. This could mean that they love the minimalistic look or that they simply don’t care about personalizing their computers. Either way, a naked computer is the epitome of elegance.

  2. http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-Shipping-Quicksand-shell-Laptop-Hard-Case-Cover-For-Macbook-Pro-13-Retina-13/32309748213.html
    A cover can effortlessly liven up a laptop.

    The Laptop with a Hard Cover: A simple laptop with a protector shows that a person is responsible. Covers with a pop of color can also show that  although that person is careful, they still have fun and enjoy the brighter things in life. If you match the color of your keyboard protector to the color of your cover, it shows you love color and uniformity.

    You can easily personalize your laptop with stickers of everything you love.
  3. The Laptop with Stickers of Fandoms and Internet Jokes: If your laptop has stickers of your favorite T.V. shows or the funniest memes online, you are probably a comical person. You probably love to spend your free time binging on Netflix or browsing through social media such as Tumblr or Twitter.
  4. The Laptop with Few Simple Stickers: If you have
    Simple patterns can customize any laptop without having it be as intimate as personal photos.

    small or simplistic decals, often with designs rather than words, this shows you love the simpler things in life! You love decorating, but make sure to never go over the top.

    “My laptop cover is decorated with the most embarrassing photos of my friends. I always love explaining to people what’s going on in the photo on my laptop!” senior Ashley Cruz said

It’s important to feel good in your own skin and to express yourself. Personalizing your laptop is one way to do this; so what does your laptop say about you?