Dare to Step out of Your Comfort Zone
There will never be a better time to take a chance than today!
Apr 17, 2017
Is there something you have always wanted to do, but have been too scared, busy, or lazy to do? Well, Sunday, April 23 is “National Take A Chance Day” and what better way to celebrate than to cross something off your bucket list!
Below are just a few activities to partake in on the most daring of days.
- Try a New Food: While stepping out of your comfort zone might mean bungee jumping, parachuting, or skydiving to others, for some it just means trying a new food. So why not eat at that Chinese, Indian, or Arabic place you have always said you’d go to but never have? Plus, if that place delivers you won’t even have to leave the comfort of your home to step out of your comfort zone!
- Apply for a Club Board Position: You’ve been a dedicated and consistent club member this year and are willing to give more of your time to the club? Well, what better way to celebrate “National Take a Chance Day” than by taking a risk on something that will get you more involved and also build your resume!
- Try a New Hairstyle: Maybe you have always wanted to go shorter, or dye your hair a different color. It is time to stop rescheduling your haircut appointment and take a chance on a new look. Who knows? Maybe blondes really do have more fun.
- Ask out Your Crush: This may not be the easiest thing to do, but with the perfect pickup line, you can score big time! Maybe try: “Since it is National Take A Chance Day, I was hoping you’d take a chance on me and go to dinner with me?” or something more clever. You never know, they might just say “yes!”
- Learn a New Skill: Why not finally sign up to take that karate class you’ve always wanted to take? Or try out that new cooking class or even learn a new language? Today is the day of taking chances, so why not take a chance on yourself and learn something new.
- Take a Trip: Just because school is not over yet does not mean you can’t celebrate today. If you have had a travel bug for quite a while, maybe you should finally purchase that plane ticket to the travel destination of your dreams! There really is no better way to take a chance than to do something that will expose you to a new culture, and there is no better way to do that than to take a trip.
Whether stepping out of your comfort zones means testing your physical limits or simply trying new things, today is the day to do it! And while it may be true that you can “take a chance” on any other day of the year, why not do it today? Because there is no better time than the present. So, do you dare?