Fall Sports team captains at the alma mater pep rally. (Jeannette Perez)
Fall Sports team captains at the alma mater pep rally.

Jeannette Perez

Smells Like Cavs Spirit

Sep 15, 2019

For many students finding school spirit may be a difficult task, especially if they are new to the school or have not found their “place” within the Gables community yet. Involving yourself in as many activities as possible and truly embracing your high school experience with enthusiasm and pride is crucial to having an enjoyable four years.

“I wish everyone had more school spirit because it would make the school environment much more enjoyable,” sophomore Abigail Colodner said.

 Comments or phrases like these are commonly heard around campus, but they are not true at all. Students expect to see enthusiasm without contributing to it in the first place. It is not until you begin to draw yourself out of your comfort zone and seek out various activities, that you will truly make your high school experience an enjoyable one.

Allison Cajina
The Spanish Honor Society at Club Fair played live music through both sessions of Club Fair, using a different array of instruments to do so.

There is a wide variety of activities to choose from that can interest all sorts of people. For example, Gables has sports, numerous clubs, publications and after-school events available to all students. Participating in or joining these makes the biggest difference in our daily lives. They provide opportunities to create relationships with people you have never met before. In these communities, you will find that everyone is filled with spirit and shares a greater enthusiasm for school because of their involvement in meaningful extracurriculars.

If you do not know how to begin getting involved, here are some tips. First, try looking into activities you have a passion for; if you are athletic, there are many sports you can join. If you have a particular interest, there will surely be a club that embraces this interest.

There is also the option of volunteering with other students at various organizations. This way you can also be involved even if it is not with the school, and you receive community service hours. After figuring out what you would like to do, it is crucial you be consistent and truly put effort into being the best you can in whatever group activity you choose to be a part of.

Melanie Ozuna
Juniors playing tug-of-war at  the alma mater pep rally

Pep rallies also play a vital role in truly feeling school spirit. It is one of the few times when most of the student population is together in the same place at the same time. It includes all grade levels and all academies, so no one gets left behind. From the smile that never leaves their faces, to their roaring cheers, you can sense that everyone is beyond excited to be there and be supporting their school.

Do not be afraid to try new things just because you think you will be alone or because your friends are not doing it with you. It is always worth the risk; no matter the outcome, you will make memorable experiences with peers around you.

“The most important piece of advice that I live by in high school is to always try to become involved in order to make it worth the while,” sophomore David Kuper said.

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