
Yeileny Lopez, Staff Writer

Our Rating: A

Release Date: May 1, 2003

Cost: Free

If you have ever wondered what you can do with that old printer you no longer use, there’s now a solution. Freecycle is a website where you can give away free things to people who need them. The goal of the website is to keep items that can be used by other people out of landfills, which is an amazing thing for our environment and future. While you are getting rid of your items, you are also helping out people and the environment.

At Freecyclem you can ask for something or give something. If you join by email, you will have fewer features and you have less control over your membership. The other way to join is through having a Yahoo account. With an account, you join group depending on where you live. After you join, you can ask a question: “Does anyone have a printer they can give me?” or you can answer someone and tell them you are going to give them what they are asking for.

Yeileny Lopez
After you enter your area, you click on a group and see what people are asking for or giving away.
Yeileny Lopez
This is the list of offers and requests; you need to be a member to reply to other members or to ask for something you need.

“I believe that it’s a very good cause for people who can’t afford pricey things,” freshman Adrian Ramos said.

The website has only one problem that can make it difficult for members to gift things or receive them: you have to get the giver or receiver’s phone number and choose a place and time to meet. This can make it difficult for people busy with work and their own lives. You can also ship items, but that costs money and time. The last option you have is to drop an item off at the recipient’s house or have them pick it up from your house.

If you are ever in need of something or feel like helping others out, make sure to visit