Anthony Abrahantes
The third season of the American psychological thriller television series You was ordered by Netflix on Jan. 14, 2020.
TV show: “You” (season 3)
Release date: Oct. 15, 2021
Cast: Penn Badgley (Joe Goldberg), Victoria Pedretti (Love Quinn), Michaela McManus (Natalie), Saffron Burrows (Dottie Quinn), Travis Van Winkle (Cary), Shalita Grant (Sherry)
Our rating: A
After almost a year and a half full of anticipation, Netflix has released the third season of “You”. Last time we saw star Penn Badgley portraying Joe in season 2 of the show, it was revealed to us that he would have a new love interest despite being married to Love Quinn.
Within the first episode of the season, “And They Lived Happily Ever After”, it is clear that Joe and Love are having relationship issues which would normally be seen as something common or usual after having a child. In this case, it is frustrating to know that Joe is resenting a woman for being as equally insane as he is. Unlike the previous seasons where the plot primarily focused around Joe and his next moves, season 3 also shines the light on Love which adds a new factor of unpredictability.
“I really like this season so far, I felt like I knew what was going to happen but then the plot completely switched around. I can’t wait to see what else happens,” senior Isabella Flores said.
This season, viewers are shown a side of Joe we have never seen before. Revealing how he acts as a protective figure towards his son, Henry, allows Joe’s character to have more depth and be seen as more than a psychotic lover. Not only are Joe’s actions based upon his erratic thoughts, but also the need to keep his son out of harm’s way. It is quite ironic how Love and Joe’s main goal is to raise Henry in a perfect environment but in reality their murderous actions are accomplishing quite the opposite.
The cinematic elements and sound effects were vital to the scenes in each episode. For example, during anxiety-inducing moments the background music was loud and high-paced and the shots were quick and short. Alongside these suspenseful aspects of the show, humor was successfully integrated in many episodes. This season included social commentary concerning COVID-19, which made it seem much more realistic and present. During episode “Missing White Woman Syndrome”, the baby manages to contract a disease due to unvaccinated children in the community. There is one shot which pans to Love on her phone reading an article titled “The Anti-Logic of Anti-Vaxxing”; this scene added humor to a rather serious episode.
Although most fans seemed to enjoy season 3, some were all but impressed.
“Season 3 was just not as good as the first two seasons. This one was all over the place, removing the impact it could have had on viewers since we had no time to process anything. The baby is extremely adorable and was a great addition but wasn’t enough to save the season,” senior Eden Sobalvarro said.
Even though “You” has kept the same storyline for all 3 seasons, it manages to remain just as suspenseful and entertaining throughout every episode. Joe becoming fixated on a new woman every season never seems to get old.