Girls Soccer: Gables vs MAST

Las chicas fácilmente atienen victoria.
Jan 11, 2015
On Tuesday, Jan. 6, the girls varsity soccer team played MAST in a vigorous game at the Coral Gables Youth Center Field and won 6-2.
This is the first game in the GMAC series. This win for the girls secured their spot to move onto their next game. In the next couple of weeks to come, the girls will be playing GMAC games to be able to qualify for playoffs.
“We started off a bit slow but then we picked it up in the second half, and we were definitely improving by getting more aggressive and going for 50/50 balls that we hadn’t before,” sophomore Amy Ransom said.
The game started out slow, with MAST scoring the first goal in the first half. The girls then quickly made a comeback with Senior Nelly Sagarra scoring the first goal. The next goal was made again by Gables by freshman Kayla Ferra. Gables then continued its scoring steak with senior Marianna Babboni scoring the third goal. Sadly, during the first half of the game one of the senior captains – Sagarra – hurt her shoulder and was taken out of the game, but thankfully she was fine in the end.
“Before the game I was really nervous because it was our first GMAC game and I think the whole team was pretty nervous about it, but I think we knew we could win and we kept trying the whole game,” freshman Brianna de la Osa said.
With the second half starting up again, Gables was way ahead of MAST, and kept up its streak. The next two goals were scored by sophomore Amy Ransom. MAST ad then came back and scored another goal in the middle of the second half, but with Gables way ahead of the competition the goal was only a small bump in the road. The girls were able to score one last goal by junior Lauren Kerzner – the final score was 6-2.
With this game concluding their first GMAC game, the week of Jan. 12th, the girls will be going onto districts. GMACs will be finishing up during the week of Jan. 5th to Jan. 12th.
“For the next game, I think that we just need to come out staring and play our strong passing game right from the start and we will be fine,” Senior Captain Babboni said.
Make sure to go out and support the girls team as they play their first district game Monday, Jan. 12 at 4:00 p.m..