Cheering Into Action: Cheer Tryouts

Gaby Blanco

Cheer captain, Teresa Del Toro would perform a dance first and then have those trying out follow her.

Stepping into a new week, many students are looking for opportunities to show their Cavalier pride through the sports they love. The cheerleading squad hosted an additional round of tryouts for the 2022-2023 school year from Oct. 11 to Oct.13, in an effort to recruit new underclassmen members.

Trying to keep the Cavalier spirit at an all-time high, the squad sought out potential cheerleaders that possess the spirit needed for the upcoming year. Candidates met at the basketball court, where they were tested on their ability to project their voice, have a positive attitude and maintain rhythmic synchronization while also learning new choreography and cheers.

Whether they had been cheering from a young age or had just discovered a newfound desire, the Gables cheer team welcomed Cavaliers of all levels of experience. Over 50 underclassmen attended tryouts, all competing for a limited number of spots. The first and second days of the tryouts were similar in that they consisted of learning simple cheers and dances. In addition, typical jumps were taught in order to prepare each athlete for evaluation day. 

“There were very talented girls trying out which I was excited for, but because of the limited spots, I could not accept everyone I wanted. I do encourage everyone who didn’t make the team this season to try out again in March,” coach Noval said.

During the final day, contestants went to the auditorium four at a time to perform their cheers, jumps and any tumbling skills they were taught in the days prior. With the decision day being on that Friday, results were announced Monday Oct. 17. With this expansion, the new cheerleaders will continue to make progress while catching up with previous cheerleaders. And, as intended, this will aid in stabilizing the team when senior dancers are to graduate.

“I was very surprised when I got picked because I didn’t really expect it with so many girls there. What I’m looking forward to the most in cheer is game days, where I can cheer on my fellow Cavaliers so they can bring home another victory,” freshman Samantha Kang said.

The Cavalier passion for sports has been rejuvenated and many students are greatly anticipating the opportunity to demonstrate their spirit. As a result, they have sought to represent their school through athletics. The current team captains and members are excited to welcome in their new team members and begin their seasons for this school year, so lace up those shoes and wave those pom poms high for another fantastic cheer season.

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  • Charles Trowbridge teaches the candidates new choreography for cheer.

  • Coach Noval gives a speech to the prospects.

  • Co-Captain Teresita Deltoro leads the contestants through a cheer.

  • Candidates learn the “Pump it Up” dance.

  • Athletes get ready to perform a cheer to qualify for the team.

  • Contenders prepare to jump high and do a “toe touch” in the air.
