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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


Allyssa Dobkins

Allyssa Dobkins, Staff Writer

Senior Class President Allyssa Dobkins is most likely to be found either in the Activities room working on the latest event for the class of 2015 or in the dance room practicing with the Gablettes for upcoming competitions. Being class president for three years running has allowed Allyssa to exert her leadership character and has most definitely introduced her to people she could not possibly imagine high school without.

As a second year staff writer, Allyssa looks forward to another year of writing. She enjoys writing mainly on topics that involve students beyond school doors.

Besides extracurricular activities, Allyssa is also quite the nerd. She is in the IB program so you might also find her crouched in a corner trying to cram in some study time and work. She hates to waste even split seconds of her day so one thing is for sure: you will never find her simply sitting down eating lunch.

After graduating, Allyssa plans to study at an out-of-state university. Although she is undecided on her major, law is one of her many interests.

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Gables Gossip Girl

Allyssa Dobkins, Staff Writer
Jan 14, 2014
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