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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


Jose Balcazar

Jose Balcazar , Editor

Jose Balcazar, a senior in the International Baccalaureate program, is considered determined, perseverant, and resourceful. This is evident through his commitment to clubs such as Gables Earth, National Honor Society, and International Baccalaureate Honor Society, where he has leadership positions ranging from vice-president to secretary. In addition to these obligations, Jose is Vice President for the Class of 2015, which he believes provides him with the skills that an academic course could not teach him, including  interpersonal skills and leadership.

With an interest in further involvement, Jose became attracted to CavsConnect, which he expands his ability to coherently compose essays and articles. Although Jose is affiliated with various clubs and activities, he has learned to manage his time in order to complete his academic and extra-curricular commitments. Recently, with the help of the Gables Earth Board, especially Alexa Alcalay and Nicolas Viglucci, Jose managed to install the first bike rack at Coral Gables Senior High.

Jose’s passion for STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) has given him the drive to pursue a future career in medicine or engineering. Through the rigorous courses offered at Gables, Jose aspires to enroll in an university that will provide him with the necessary tools for a successful future. When Jose is not juggling academics and extra-curricular activities, he enjoys attending concerts, music festivals, visiting art museums, and paddle boarding.

All content by Jose Balcazar
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Jose Balcazar