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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


Nicolas Viglucci

Nicolas Viglucci, Staff Writer

Senior Nicolas Viglucci can be seen riding his bike to and from Gables High, being a Gables local. At school, Nicolas, is known by his friends as “Nico” or “Nikki”. He is zealous towards Gables Earth, always striving to make Gables a more eco-friendly environment. Besides Gables Earth, Nico is a second- year member in Student Activities as the Student Council treasurer. During his spare time,  he enjoys playing piano, sailing and working in his homemade garage woodshop. He has made things ranging from pens to birdhouses and even furniture. Cross country has also been an extracurricular that Nico has been a part of since the seventh grade. At Gables High, he was known by his teammates as “Butterfly Boy”.

Nico is strong in mathematics and science. For this reason, he hopes to major in mechanical engineering in college. Nico aspires to leave Florida and attend a top tier university out of state. At the moment, the University of Michigan is his top choice. Wherever he ends up, Gables continues to inspire him and help him achieve his lifelong goals.

All content by Nicolas Viglucci
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Nicolas Viglucci