4 Ways to Study Effectively

Samantha Valero, Staff Writer

Many students often have trouble studying by themselves, or simply do not know how to do so effectively. With testing season approaching head-on, students’ lives are starting to become extremely hectic. Here are a few ways you can improve your studying habits to get ready for those upcoming tests.

Samantha Valero
Flashcards: basic, simple and you can use them for almost anything!

Flashcards: One of the most traditional ways of studying is flashcards. Flashcards have been in use since around the 19th century. They are most commonly used for memorization of small bits of information, such as definitions. Now, there are websites that you can use to type up what you want to study, and have the information printed out in the form of actual flashcards.

Quizlet: every subject, everywhere!

 Technology: Technology is the most accessible “study hall” nowadays. It combines the knowledge of library, the efficiency of a high-speed computer and the accessibility of only a few steps. There are many websites you can visit to study for exams. For Advanced Placement (AP) students, there is GetAFive, a collection of online reviews for most AP exams, and CrashCourse, a YouTube video series. Otherwise, there is Quizlet, a student generated database that contains information on almost every subject, and CoolMath, a website that uses games to enhance students’ grasps on arithmetic.

Books are excellent sources of knowledge.

Books: Most commonly used as tangible sources to absorb knowledge directly, books have been around since the invention of the printing press in 1450. There are books specific to every subject existing on earth; just stop by the Study Guides & Test Prep aisle in your local bookstore or library to obtain the perfect study aid.

“I love studying by reading. It helps my memory capacity improve,” junior Jimmy Guzman said.

Color coding made easy for anyone!

Highlighting: For those who have trouble concentrating or retaining information, highlighting may be the study strategy for you. Highlighters can be used to spotlight important information in your notes, so when you look them over, you only have to read the pertinent highlighted portions.

“Studying is something that [helps me] get good grades, and teaches me time management. My favorite way to study is color coding because it’s so calming,” junior Emily Hernandez said.

Now that you have the studying tools at hand, go ahead and start studying! See how much you learn!